$200 stock price then stock split


Well-Known Member
Not saying that there was inside information, but I heard of long term managers taking out double mortgages in order to buy more stock just before it went public.

The split occurred around October 1999, it went public in a month later...still remember managers that were bragging about just becoming millionaires.

The old thrift plan I believe was eliminated prior, I don’
I think a lot of this insider crap was going on. I don't know how legal it was but I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for it so it had to be ok--I assume.
Yes, lots of insider training went on leading up to the IPO. Most notably by the then CFO and the head sales/marketing guy on the management committee. They both doubled their UPS holdings in the year leading up to the IPO. Just a coincidence? Ha!


Retired 23 years
Yes, lots of insider training went on leading up to the IPO. Most notably by the then CFO and the head sales/marketing guy on the management committee. They both doubled their UPS holdings in the year leading up to the IPO. Just a coincidence? Ha!
Which was apparently legal being UPS wasn't a public stock back then.


Well-Known Member
Now being told this is the current strategy and the cuts are to obtain this. Operations is no longer the safe place. 20 fulltime operational positions in my district being eliminated.

Big MIP changes after the split.
The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.
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Well-Known Member
ups has never split.....united parcel service has split a number of times....2 different companies............and yes hourly people could and did get stock thru the years.......its my understanding that the thrift plan contained ups stock so it was an easy conversion from the thrift plan to stock........also...a number of teamsters had brown shares from years past which was better than their union retirements.........


Well-Known Member
ups has never split.....united parcel service has split a number of times....2 different companies............and yes hourly people could and did get stock thru the years.......its my understanding that the thrift plan contained ups stock so it was an easy conversion from the thrift plan to stock........also...a number of teamsters had brown shares from years past which was better than their union retirements.........
Wrong. Same company, just a name change. The name change occurred quite a few years after the IPO. The thrift plan didn’t contain UPS stock. When it was disbanded hourlies had the option of buying UPS stock with the proceeds. “Brown shares” weren’t given to Teamsters. The only way Teamsters would have been able to get them is if a management person who received them transferred them to the Teamster for some reason. Brown shares were not inside the trust that held all later UPS shares prior to the IPO, so they could be transferred to anyone. Shares inside the trust could only be sold back to UPS.


Retired 23 years
and if my OLD memory is correct, you also had to buy one share of OPL for every 4 shares of UPS purchased?
Correct ---I remember that now. We actually had a driver pass on the UPS stock and buy ALL OPL crap. That ended up to be a stupid decision :-)


Well-Known Member
I heard that our dispatch will come from an email from a person in India. I really was told this. I think it has actually been tested in a few centers.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
ups has never split.....united parcel service has split a number of times....2 different companies............and yes hourly people could and did get stock thru the years.......its my understanding that the thrift plan contained ups stock so it was an easy conversion from the thrift plan to stock........also...a number of teamsters had brown shares from years past which was better than their union retirements.........
United parcel service split numerous times when it was private. Gojng public was, and is the biggest mistake ever..