50% MIP, 12k employees being cut

She did also mention that the 12k would be worldwide. I'm sure the vast majority will be domestic jobs, but will at least somewhat mitigate the impact here. We have a FT on-road and 5 other PT sups to manage a small center with 33 drivers. I'm sure the model is the same in a ton of other places. We should cut 2 just in our building, no one knows what they even do.

I have NOT been lurking

Degenerate Member
she didn't say how much of that 12k is management, but presumably a bunch of people will get cut (most likely on road, this has been the plan for literally years)

she blames our revenue, which is down over LY sure but it's still beating pre-COVID which is the true measure of things

tl;dr is "we overstaffed for what we thought would be the new normal in the [strongest economy in history], whoopsie doopsie that wasn't true, you're fired thanks for your service"


Staff member
I love the term "right size the company" instead of the more truthful "downsize the company".

All the good news for future growth doesn't include package delivery....


Well-Known Member
Where is she to blame in all this? The decision to hold out on a contract agreement earlier then later? Or is that irrelevant?
She is not to blame. The country is to blame. Everyone wants cheap stuff and high salary. We outsourced jobs and imported cheap workers (H1B) and illegals. This is nothing. Wait until we "reset" the country with civil war.

If Americans have balls, we would have had general strike shutting down the country and hold all Wall Street and politicians accountable.