Article 12 Section 6...


Well-Known Member
It's funny.... (sad actually)

I am always one to point out, the lack of voting "interest" the membership has.

At the IBT Convention, you have elected Delegates that don't even bother to vote.

Some of them are lucky to even show up, for the entire days session.

In my opinion, elected Delegates that don't perform their fiduciary duty....

Should forfeit their wages, room and board, plus the "per diem" for the day.

And I hate to say.... some, were from your Local.

Preaching to the choir. But, right on the money.

And local 710 delegates followed the lead of their PO (when he showed good sense) and stayed in the room watching all the other red vests walk out when Gegare and Pope gave their acceptance speeches.
Anyone who left that room (unless legitimately ill) absolutely should forfeit their per diem, that was disgraceful.


Got the T-Shirt
As much as it saddens me to say it, many of these officers are afraid of the backlash if they go to the convention and vote the way they would really like to vote. They know who is going to win before the convention starts most of the time and it is fact that the winning party will make life miserable for the locals that did not support them at the convention.

I believe the conventions are nothing more than a way for the candidates to sniff out who is for them and who is not!!

Delegates can vote their conscience.... After all, it's a secret ballot.

But, openly supporting (a TDU candidate that can't possibly win) has "perceived" consequences.

Some "go along, to get along" so to speak.

Whether it's to protect their members, their position, or the Local.

Only you can decide.... But don't assume anything. Ask questions.

And local 710 delegates followed the lead of their PO (when he showed good sense) and stayed in the room watching all the other red vests walk out when Gegare and Pope gave their acceptance speeches.
Anyone who left that room (unless legitimately ill) absolutely should forfeit their per diem, that was disgraceful.

Same thing happened with Leedham.
