Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is jail?

40 and out

Well-Known Member
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

Had an on car sup who had serious drinking and driving issues. He was a driver for about 15 years then went into supervision to avoid additional problems. He then had to resign after more problems. He then took a job as shipping manager at a business on my route. One Monday he wasn't there and I joked to the receiving clerk "did he get busted again?". Reply was "yes he's in jail right now". He couldn"t stop drinking and driving even after being given multiple chances.


Well-Known Member
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

And.... your advice is to suck-up to management.... or else....????
I'm not trying to be fatalist, but yes, I am. That's the way it goes in my sort. Though I personally am a huge troublemaker and have been known to get into shouting matches with management. Trying to cool off and let them do the shouting now. :funny:

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

I did represent an employee once for a no call no show because he was in jail for a couple of days. It worked out ok .Had to go to bat for him a few times after that also for other "percieved" infractions. He has been a model citizen latly though.

I replied to quickley the jack ass is acting up again !!!


Got the T-Shirt
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

I replied to quickley the jack ass is acting up again !!!




Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

Those are a few interesting ideas....

In the Central Region, there are no sick days.... Option Days (2) have to be requested (in writing) 8 days in advance.... then are granted by


Asking for a voluntary layoff or burning vacation time.... Don't see the company honoring that request, from a phone call while in jail.

For someone being elected into office, the leave is automatically granted for "Official Union Business"

Not because you are in jail on multiple counts, including a drug charge.

Article 16, doesn't say anything about a Teamster office holder being on "Official Union Business." It just says he will be granted automatic leave so long as he holds the office (elected or apointed).

You don't thing Teamster negotiators would let a brief stretch in the slammer derail an officer's career, do you?

And you know that even if there was a mountain of evidence pointing to the officer's guilt, the Teamsters would be invoking the Constitutional principle of "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" for months; right up to the jury's "Guilty" verdict.
- - -
If the Central Region has no Sick Days, then what do you do when you are unexpectedly sick?


Well-Known Member
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

If the Central Region has no Sick Days, then what do you do when you are unexpectedly sick?

I'll take this, since I was in Central...

Pick up phone, dial center number, state you are not coming in cuz you are sick, QUICKLY hang up, do not collect pay for that day. Period.


Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

I'll take this, since I was in Central...

Pick up phone, dial center number, state you are not coming in cuz you are sick, QUICKLY hang up, do not collect pay for that day. Period.
That's what I thought. Presumably no need to mention the part about being in jail, unless it is for more than a day or two or three or . . . .


Well-Known Member
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

Does caller ID really matter?


Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

Maybe call using a cell phone. Or have a family member call from home.

It like with medical problems. UPS is entitled to know that you'll be absent. They aren't entitled to know the private details.


Got the T-Shirt
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

Article 16, doesn't say anything about a Teamster office holder being on "Official Union Business."

Sure it does Jon....


Section 1.

The Employer agrees to grant the necessary time off, without discrimination or loss of seniority rights and without pay, to any employee designated by the Union to attend a labor convention or serve in any capacity on other official business, provided forty-eight (48) hours written notice is given to the Employer, by the Union, specifying length of time off.

The part I underlined for you, is the language used to take someone "out of service" to work for the Union.

It can be to work as an Agent, fill an unexpired term, or something like working on a organizing drive. Happens all the time.

Section 2.

Any employee desiring leave of absence from employment shall secure written permission from both the Union and the Employer. The request for leave of absence shall be made in writing at least thirty (30) days before the day on which the leave is sought to commence. If the leave is not foreseeable, the employee shall submit the written request as soon as possible and shall include an explanation why the leave was not foreseeable.

Section 2 of the Article, is the language that allows for an employee a leave of absence. It's self explanatory.

Being locked up in jail.... is not a valid reason. Never has been, never will be.

The only thing the person can do, is file a grievance protesting the company's position. If you are later exonerated of all charges, you might have a shot.




Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

Bug, I was hoping you wouldn't confuse the issue by quoting the wrong language. But you did.

My point relies on the other paragraph, which I quoted, that applies to officers, and is automatic, and is not restricted to "official union business," and is for as many months or years as the individual holds office.

Your language applies to rank-and-file working members being taken out of service by the Union for a short term to attend several days of a Convention, or to attend a grievance panel hearing, etc. That leave is not automatic, and is restricted to "official union business."

My original point was: it's a shame the member in this thread doesn't have the same language protecting him that an officer has.


Well-Known Member
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

My original point was: it's a shame the member in this thread doesn't have the same language protecting him that an officer has.

Language in the contract to allow a member who is arrested and incarcerated to be automatically granted an unpaid leave of absence until such as time as the case is decided makes sense.


Got the T-Shirt
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

Bug, I was hoping you wouldn't confuse the issue by quoting the wrong language. But you did.

My point relies on the other paragraph, which I quoted, that applies to officers, and is automatic, and is not restricted to "official union business," and is for as many months or years as the individual holds office.


I didn't confuse anything. The last paragraph you are talking about.... was added in 1993.

That was to allow anyone from UPS, elected into office, to be able to return to their position after they severed their term.

Prior to "93".... If you were elected into office, and say, not reelected.... You no longer had a job at UPS.

Freight didn't get that language until "97"

You are right, that the language I quoted is used for "other" Union Business....

But, when a Local sends a letter to the company taking someone "out of service" to work for the Local for any reason....

Article 16 covers it. I keep copy's of mine.... When I first became a BA, I was appointed to serve an unexpired term.

As to your main point.... Like I's not going to happen, and never will.



Well-Known Member
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

Only if it shows "County Jail".
Even if it does, they can't assume anything. Maybe you hang out there on the weekend... Or you're going into a side career as a detention officer.


Well-Known Member
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

i have seen it done before.held one guys job for over a year while he was in the pen.


Well-Known Member
Re: Can anyone tell me if UPS has ever granted a leave of absence to someone who is j

I am aware of someone who had to spend 30 days behind bars and was allowed to keep their job. I am also aware of someone who was sentenced to 10 years so I can't say for sure yet since this individual isn't out yet, but I'm pretty sure his time at UPS is over.:hammer: