Charged with accident for hitting dog


New Member
Today I hit a dog on my route I was feeling pretty horrible about that ,but when I found out I was being charged for an accident my feeling turned to anger. Since it was in the res. driveway I should have expected the unexpected. Just got 9 year safe driving yesterday.Has this happened to anyone else?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yep if its in their personal driveway u will be held responsible no matter what. It's stupid.

Safe driving awards are much more than just being a good driver. There's a ton of luck involved also.

Don't sweat it. Just keep doing what u do.


Well-Known Member
Driver in my center was charged last year for hitting a dog in the street. The dog ran out from some bushes.
Today I hit a dog on my route I was feeling pretty horrible about that ,but when I found out I was being charged for an accident my feeling turned to anger. Since it was in the res. driveway I should have expected the unexpected. Just got 9 year safe driving yesterday.Has this happened to anyone else?
You can hit any animal you want to...but running over a dog is an accident!!...If you run over your Sup...Will you lose your safe driving for hitting an Ass?..They hit you in the A...s..all the time and they don't get charged!!!!!!Just saying!!!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I have three driveway kills, all the others were on the road. Thankfully I haven't hit one in a few years, they were all before the company started charging drivers with accidents. UPS is liable when these happen on private property. They used to not charge us when dogs ran out in front of us into the street, I just think its a way to harass us now.
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Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
I creamed a fluffy white cat once, in front of someone's mailbox. I never saw it. Delivered the stop, sorted my next few and took off for the cul-de-sac. When I rode back by the house, I saw ole Fluffy lying there; all white and red.

I never "felt" her under my wheels but I couldn't recall seeing her before arriving at the stop. I called my on car at the end of the street and informed him of the tragedy. He responded "Anyone see you?" To which I responded, "I'm not sure." He replies, "Welp, we have a leash law here...keep rollin', I got you."

Long gone are the days where we looked after one another. In a time where we are so globally connected via the interwebz. Incidents like this go world wide in a matter of seconds. The loss of face the company endures is tremendous.

People want vengeance when they feel like they've been wronged. Atlanta sees to it that, they get it. Hell, you could be a 24 year safe driver, smack your mirror on a tree limb, break it and lose your shot at Circle of Honor. (Let's not kid ourselves about Circle of Honor, it's not an achievement for you, it's a propaganda tool for Atlanta)

Keep your nose clean (and an eye out for loose animals) for the next 9 months and, all will be right as rain.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I have two driveway kills, all the others were on the road. Thankfully I haven't hit one in a few years, they were all before the company started charging drivers with accidents. UPS is liable when these happen on private property. They used to not charge us when dogs ran out in front of us into the street, I just think its a way to harass us now.

I'm sure all centers are different but I've called in hit in road accidents before and been told.

Was it on their property? Me. No

Keep on rolling don't worry about it.
I'm sure all centers are different but I've called in hit in road accidents before and been told.

Was it on their property? Me. No

Keep on rolling don't worry about it.
Your Sup didn't want that dead dog on his report card...If you didn't report it you would be fired!! Your Sup didn't report it.....He didn't want to lose any bonus!!!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I'm sure all centers are different but I've called in hit in road accidents before and been told.

Was it on their property? Me. No

Keep on rolling don't worry about it.

And thats the way it should be, I have no control of a dog that likes to chase cars down the street. They would probably charge us with running over squirrels if they knew about those.


Happen to me , one of my sups who has never drove and goes by the book said I was a fault

My sup who was a driver said could you do anything to not hit it , I said no he said keep rolling

​Never heard anything about it when I got to the hub
Today I hit a dog on my route I was feeling pretty horrible about that ,but when I found out I was being charged for an accident my feeling turned to anger. Since it was in the res. driveway I should have expected the unexpected. Just got 9 year safe driving yesterday.Has this happened to anyone else?
Is the dog going to live?? I love dogs. I rescue them.


Gone Fish'n
Stay out of driveways and walk it, and no I'm not joking. If there is a known dog that is aggressive it should be noted in the diad for cover drivers. Any house that has a dog that's aggressive learns quickly to put the dog away on delivery days, or they can get their package at the hub. Much like dogs, you gotta train the owners, which includes following the methods of not putting yourself or the company in a liability situation if you can help it.

brown bomber

brown bomber
I hit and killed a dog about 25 yrs. ago...contacted the center from a pay phone....the first thing from the supervisors mouth "Is the dog dead ??" reply "yes" reply from the supervisor " GOOD"....end of conversation


Well-Known Member
I have three driveway kills, all the others were on the road. Thankfully I haven't hit one in a few years, they were all before the company started charging drivers with accidents. UPS is liable when these happen on private property. They used to not charge us when dogs ran out in front of us into the street, I just think its a way to harass us now.

And thats the way it should be, I have no control of a dog that likes to chase cars down the street. They would probably charge us with running over squirrels if they knew about those.

I hit and killed a dog about 25 yrs. ago...contacted the center from a pay phone....the first thing from the supervisors mouth "Is the dog dead ??" reply "yes" reply from the supervisor " GOOD"....end of conversation

Brown, those were the when the center manager pretty much ran the center any way they wanted and mgt actually half way gave a sht about the days that would never fly...all they see is something to document against you....real stand up company..