check is short for this week whats going on?


Well-Known Member
Last week many of you know there was hurricane issac ,well my center was closed from Tuesday to Friday I lue of this eveny well when I recieved my check stub it shows only two days of work monday and firday . my question is will we get paid for those days off even though we couldn't do anything about it or will I have to that this as a loss


Well-Known Member
If your facility was closed due to an emergency and you were notified before start time not to report then you will not be paid (unless you use personal or sick days).

rocket man

Well-Known Member
I think you took the short bus to school ? its nothing to be ashamed of some OF THE DRIVERS I KNOW MAYBE even me should have been on it a time or two but think you didnt work what more do you need to no?


Well-Known Member
Last week many of you know there was hurricane issac ,well my center was closed from Tuesday to Friday I lue of this eveny well when I recieved my check stub it shows only two days of work monday and firday . my question is will we get paid for those days off even though we couldn't do anything about it or will I have to that this as a loss

Did you request to use a personal or sick day? If not you only get paid for time worked...