Clinton unveils mandatory health care insurance plan


Okay, firstly this bitch is going to FORCE every American to pay for health insurance whether they can afford it or not. In other words, you will be criminalized for not having insurance. Secondly, this "health program" is nothing at all like Canada's or Europe's in that only the poor (i.e., the very people who do NOT pay taxes for such social programs yet are always using the social programs) get their insurance for free, courtesy of hard-working, tax-paying, legal Americans. Even the communist nations of the Cold War era had a better health program than what she is proposing. Under the communist regimes you had to GO TO WORK to qualify for socialized medicine. What Clinton wants to do is to reward the people who don't work with free medical/dental care at the expense of the legal American citizens who do work for a living. So, essentially, the people who work for a living get shafted twice - first, they would be forced to pay for health insurance for their entire family under threat of criminal prosecution, and secondly, they would have to pay extra taxes to help pay for the people who don't work at all and the illegal aliens who work under the table and have no verifiable income.

Life's a bitch, don't vote for one.

If you want to socialize medicine, then socialize it for everyone - not just the illegal aliens, those working under the table, those who don't want to work, and welfare collectors.


Staff member
av8torntn said:
I think I would take a free market. You can take socialism.
You act like it's some big choice we have to make: "Capitalism or Socialism?". It's not. All the western democracies (including ours) are a mixture of capitalism and socialism.

France is no more a purely socialist country than we are a truly capitalist one. Put us on an economic scale with total government control at one end and individual anarchy at the other and both countries sit pretty close to the center. Our real differences are pretty miniscule.

av8torntn said:
In a free market do you really think people can not band together for higher wages as long as they are more efficient?

Sure they can. But in a truly free market the company is under no obligation to negotiate with them. They can just fire all the trouble makers and replace them with immigrant workers for half the price.The reason that doesn't happen is because "mommy and daddy government" has laws that protect workers (that's you) from the wonders of the free market.

av8torntn said:
This argument that you posted is along the same lines as the women are paid less myth. If it were true why would anyone hire a man if they could get a women to do the same work for less?

I have no clue how you got that from anything I wrote.


golden ticket member
Hillary Clinton said Friday every baby born in America should get five thousand dollars. She means well. The idea is to have so many Mexicans pouring over the border that their momentum carries them into Canada where a dollar is worth something.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I won't support any regime that spends a trillon dollars to blow the crap out of a country's infrastructure over bad intel and then repair the damage we did and claim it's to keep America safer. Meanwhile, the real bad guys were hiding in another of those men protecting your freedom comes from my loins, so I don't need you to remind me to sleep well.

Did you support the Clinton "regime"? If you did then you supported a regime that spent an unbelievable amount of $$ to blow the crap out a country's infrastructure and the Serbs. And it wasn't even because of "bad intel" but for an even worse reason....a diversion from his affair in the Oval Office.


Well-Known Member
Jones I can explain it to you in a pm if you want. I do not want to get to far off the topic of health care with the what you bring to the market place determines what you earn. Jones I also feel that the government restricts me more than it protects me. I know you feel different but I do not need them to protect me from the "evil" market.

Big Arrow Up do not forget about the African nations that alot of the Democrats want to invade or the one the Clinton regime invaded.:w00t:


Well-Known Member
This letter is in reply to Garrett Scott Humberston's Sept. 27 piece on health care. In his letter Mr. Humbertson states that he feels the U.S.'s current health care system needs modified not replaced. So in that statement he is admitting that our system is not working, that is a plus. Though, Mr. Humbertson goes on to compare the U.S.'s private, profit based health care system to the universal system employed in most other industrialized nations. First it is very hard to compare our health care system to that of England, France, Canada and Cuba. Our health care system, which was partly implemented by Richard Nixon is totally profit based. The goal of health care administrators in the U.S. is to maximize profits, not provide outstanding care. When money, health, and human life gets all mashed up together it really creates an unacceptable situation, especially in one of the world's richest nations.

Denial of care, from what I have read and researched is not uncommon at all in our country, even when a person has been paying an insurance company to provide these needs. There are many cases here on our soil where care denied has caused an individual to die, in cases leaving behind spouses and children to fend for themselves in a less then perfect economy. The U.S. is proof that private, profit based health care does not work for the people and only works to make a select few wealthy; making people rich isn't providing health care!

I find it odd that Mr. Humbertson refers to universal health care as a "socialist" ideal. Do you pay for a police officer when you need one, how about to rent a book from the library, or maybe to have your mail delivered?

Do you pay for your children's public school system or (besides an occasional toll) to have the roads you drive on repaired? Basically if what Mr. Humbertson says is correct we are over half-way a socialist nation already since all these functions work, in theory like a universal health care system would; using tax payer dollars to fund various projects that all people take advantage of.

I have relatives in Canada who are more then pleased with the Canadian system. In fact after speaking with them this summer I learned the only time they fear a health care expense or receiving less then perfect care is when they visit the United States. Odd that Mr. Humbertson is so familiar with the Canadian system but did not mention having any relation whom are Canadian.

Finally, I would much rather my tax dollars going to make sure that every American has access to adequate health care when they need it. This is a much better cause, I feel, then the war in Iraq, several million dollar Christmas parties at the White House, tax breaks for wealthy Americans, and to pay the outrageous costs contracting companies like Halliburton charge our government in bid less contract work. These are all things our tax dollars currently fund; ending the Iraq War alone could likely foot much of the bill universal health care would cost. Mr. Humbertson paints a picture that universal health care would be nothing but endless waits and poor care - slowly transforming America into a socialist state. I think Mr. Humbertson might want to go back to the drawing board and do some fact checking regarding European health care systems.


Well-Known Member
I find it odd that Mr. Humbertson refers to universal health care as a "socialist" ideal. Do you pay for a police officer when you need one, how about to rent a book from the library, or maybe to have your mail delivered?

Do you pay for your children's public school system or (besides an occasional toll) to have the roads you drive on repaired? Basically if what Mr. Humbertson says is correct we are over half-way a socialist nation already since all these functions work, in theory like a universal health care system would; using tax payer dollars to fund various projects that all people take advantage of.

Well I pay local and state taxes to fund the police force and to have a library. I pay postage to for mail. I know the federal government also foots part of the bill but this is wrong.

I pay property taxes to send the kids in my community to schools. I pay out of my pocket to send my kids to school.

The point about the highway system being funded under "interstate commerce" even though I feel like this is not a good thing. The majority of the highways are built using the fuel tax which is closer to a user funded system. There are private roads that are toll roads and I see this as a good thing.

Yes all of these things would work better if they went completely private. First let us stop this wacky idea for universal health care and then we can work on getting rid of some of these other things.

On to health care. When you say people in this country do not have access to health care this is very false. I for one do not want some poor doctor treating me when I am sick. I will take someone talented and smart enough to make a living to treat me. When you say that ending the war in Iraq will fund your socialist health care system this is also flat out false.

I have never heard of anyone that was denied care in our country that had the ability to pay for it. That being said why did they not go to Canada instead of just sitting around waiting to die?


Well-Known Member
Okay, firstly this bitch is going to FORCE every American to pay for health insurance whether they can afford it or not. In other words, you will be criminalized for not having insurance. Secondly, this "health program" is nothing at all like Canada's or Europe's in that only the poor (i.e., the very people who do NOT pay taxes for such social programs yet are always using the social programs) get their insurance for free, courtesy of hard-working, tax-paying, legal Americans. Even the communist nations of the Cold War era had a better health program than what she is proposing. Under the communist regimes you had to GO TO WORK to qualify for socialized medicine. What Clinton wants to do is to reward the people who don't work with free medical/dental care at the expense of the legal American citizens who do work for a living. So, essentially, the people who work for a living get shafted twice - first, they would be forced to pay for health insurance for their entire family under threat of criminal prosecution, and secondly, they would have to pay extra taxes to help pay for the people who don't work at all and the illegal aliens who work under the table and have no verifiable income.

Life's a bitch, don't vote for one.

If you want to socialize medicine, then socialize it for everyone - not just the illegal aliens, those working under the table, those who don't want to work, and welfare collectors.

Get a clue OC, what part of the overwhelming majority of the 40/50 million uninsured people are working, middle class, self employed, law abiding citizens don't you get. Your obvisouly uniformed and paranoid. And should have a little more respect for women on a public forum.

JonesRe: Clinton unveils mandatory health care insurance plan
Or better yet let me opt out of your Marxist programs all together.
Just wanted to point out that your health insurance and your (quite high) hourly wage has been procured for you by a labor union, which is anathema to most free market purists. The whole concept of labor unions (working people banding together to get a fair shake from the capitalist business magnates who believe that labor(you) is a commodity to be purchased at the lowest price possible) is based in socialism and marxism.

We've never had a true "free market" in this country, and I suspect you wouldn't much like it of we did, unless you're Donald Trump or someone of similar wealth. Or you're a big fan of unregulated child labor and the on the job injuries that result from a lack of labor laws.

There are generally three types of people who you find extolling the the wonders of the free market:

1) Ivory tower intellectuals who don't have to work for a living;

2) Working class folks who are unclear on the concept;

3) Rich people making a fortune off the labor of the afore mentioned folks.

Carry on.....

Jonesy, Does this not reveal the hypocrisy of the anti-social, free market purist that enjoy the benefits of a socialist, marxist regime called the teamsters:lol:. Good Find


Well-Known Member
Did you support the Clinton "regime"? If you did then you supported a regime that spent an unbelievable amount of $$ to blow the crap out a country's infrastructure and the Serbs. And it wasn't even because of "bad intel" but for an even worse reason....a diversion from his affair in the Oval Office.

Oh please BigA and AV8, between Reagon and GW...Clinton looks like a choir-boy compared to the damage, bodycount and weapontry handed out like candy on holloween night to war lords and dictators and religious fanatics.....I might be guilty as well, but lets stick to health care on this particular thread.


Well-Known Member
I have relatives in Canada who are more then pleased with the Canadian system. In fact after speaking with them this summer I learned the only time they fear a health care expense or receiving less then perfect care is when they visit the United States. Odd that Mr. Humbertson is so familiar with the Canadian system but did not mention having any relation whom are Canadian..

Some people from Canada may have a different view than your relatives.


Well-Known Member
Your un-Christian like sleazy behavior is a concern, you best repent and keep it clean in the future..:thumbup1:

I can see by your new avatar that the rough and tumble cat has become more aggressive!

Save it for your significant other!!:laugh:

(avatar pic, Area 43 just returning from the BrazenBrown wood shed)

Braze, I have a perfect explanation for my questionable behavior.

Expanation #1 I Area 43 have been diagnosed with a Mentall Illness by my Doctor Jon "Quack" Fron. I cannot be held accountable. I have "POST" traumatic stress disorder(PTSD). What happens? I mentally go back in time to when our great President William Jefferson Clinton was in office. He being the great Role model and example greatly influenced my fragile psychie. Bills quote, " I do not recall having....said(posted) or had relationships..." As you can see. I'm so confused. Please forgive me. ( : Happy face.

Explanation #2 I Area 43 believe I am a victim of "Identity Theft". Again, Doc Jonfron experienced the same thing in my thread titled "Jonfrum". I have strong suspicions it might be BAU. Shame on you!, BAU. Smearing my( Area 43's) good name in pursuits of your own shelfish lustful interest. BAU a democrat, perphaps.

Ok, back on subject. Folks, all this is, is an attempt to buy Mrs Clinton some votes at the expense of the American Taxpayer. As of the last census. My great late State of California's population has shifted to Mexicans being the majority. Legal citizens I assume. California carries a large chunk of electoral votes with it. Hellary knows this. The Mexicans that live in Ca. and everywhere else in the US have become a powerful voting block. This $5,000 a child is a short/ long term strategy to buy democratic votes. Mexicans have lots of babies. Anywhere from one to SIX kids. That eighteenth B-day comes quick. Maybe their thinking about if Chelsie ever decides to run in the future. Think of it like, a nest egg for their daughter. Hey Honey, here's a big pile of votes, just in case you ever decide to run for Oval office. Just like welfare, buying votes. It keeps generation after generation on the voting dole. Secure your investment. Secure or seize your voting block. Smart political sense. Just something to think about. sincerely Area 43

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Oh please BigA and AV8, between Reagon and GW...Clinton looks like a choir-boy compared to the damage, bodycount and weapontry handed out like candy on holloween night to war lords and dictators and religious fanatics.....I might be guilty as well, but lets stick to health care on this particular thread.

Clinton was a choir boy compared to Reagon and GW? That's is the most rediculous and the most humorous thing I've heard in the current events thread to date. LOL! Let's not forget that Clinton let terrorism spread like a virus, which lead to our current situation, and dropped the ball on Osama Bin Laden. And let's definately not forget the most important comparison....Reagan and Bush weren't impeached. Clinton was.

And as you requested....back to health care. If anyone wants socialized medicine.....move to a socialized country. And don't let the door hit your arse on the way out. And be sure to pack lightly because the line to get back in this country is a bit long these days.


Well-Known Member
Clinton was a choir boy compared to Reagon and GW? That's is the most rediculous and the most humorous thing I've heard in the current events thread to date. LOL! Let's not forget that Clinton let terrorism spread like a virus, which lead to our current situation, and dropped the ball on Osama Bin Laden. And let's definately not forget the most important comparison....Reagan and Bush weren't impeached. Clinton was.

And as you requested....back to health care. If anyone wants socialized medicine.....move to a socialized country. And don't let the door hit your arse on the way out. And be sure to pack lightly because the line to get back in this country is a bit long these days.

Not only is our Healthcare system failing us, but here's an example of our Education System failing us also...BTW don't forget to mention "aquitted" by the senate.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Not only is our Healthcare system failing us, but here's an example of our Education System failing us also...BTW don't forget to mention "aquitted" by the senate.

He was still impeached. You think your Liberal buddies in the senate at the time for all but blocking the impeachment and forcing the aquittal. It just shows the low morality of the Democrat Party when they'll vote for a lame duck president to stay in office. Yes, he was impeached. And yes, he was aquitted. Let me put it this way....we'll just say he was allowed to remain in office for the short remainder of his term but he will forever be known as a lame duck president.

And no, our healthcare system isn't failing us. It's entitlement minded people that is failing the healthcare system by expecting the government to throw dollars at the healthcare providers and not taking care of themselves. And you want an example of our education system failing us just go to all the schools where Liberals have taken God, The Pledge of Allegiance, and corpal punishment out and put "No Child Left Behind" and altered history in. Bang up job guys!


Well-Known Member
Yes the education system is failing us. What would this be from?

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Hint: This document clearly defines the powers of our federal government.I keep reading this document over and over and it seems to me that if you want government to provide your health care you really should look to your state.


Well-Known Member
Get a clue OC, what part of the overwhelming majority of the 40/50 million uninsured people are working, middle class, self employed, law abiding citizens don't you get. Your obvisouly uniformed and paranoid. And should have a little more respect for women on a public forum.

38% of the uninsured (17 million) live in households earning over $ 50,000 in annual income

--20% (9 million) reside in households earning over 75,000 a year

--Over 18 million (40%), between the ages of 18 and 34, spend more on entertainment or dining out

--14 million ( 31%) are elegible for health government programs like Medicaid, but choose to opt-out.

Could it be that some of these people choose not to have health insurance? I would guess most of these choose not to have health insurance.


Well-Known Member
Who dropped the ball Bush had Osama trapped at Toro boro ,he out sourced the job {like he does our middle class jobs} to locales who were paid off by the Taliban and he slipped through.:ohmy:

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
38% of the uninsured (17 million) live in households earning over $ 50,000 in annual income

--20% (9 million) reside in households earning over 75,000 a year

--Over 18 million (40%), between the ages of 18 and 34, spend more on entertainment or dining out

--14 million ( 31%) are elegible for health government programs like Medicaid, but choose to opt-out.

Could it be that some of these people choose not to have health insurance? I would guess most of these choose not to have health insurance.

If those numbers are correct, which I wouldn't be surprised if they were, then it only backs up what I said before about people and their priorities. They seem to have them backwards.


You smell that?
Clinton was a choir boy compared to Reagon and GW? That's is the most rediculous and the most humorous thing I've heard in the current events thread to date. LOL! Let's not forget that Clinton let terrorism spread like a virus, which lead to our current situation, and dropped the ball on Osama Bin Laden. And let's definately not forget the most important comparison....Reagan and Bush weren't impeached. Clinton was.

Putting the blame for terrorism and Osama on Clinton while giving your Republican heroes a pass is the stupidest thing you've said in awhile.

Over 6 years after 9-11 and Osama is still breathing air. Is that Clinton's fault too?


Well-Known Member
Who dropped the ball Bush had Osama trapped at Toro boro ,he out sourced the job {like he does our middle class jobs} to locales who were paid off by the Taliban and he slipped through.:ohmy:

Huh? So you really think Bush was at Tora Bora?:w00t: Do you really think you understand how SOF work? You do have a rather unusual way to see war. I would also be interested to see how this works in with all this free health care nonsense. How long has Bush been employing the middle class? When you see him next tell him he forgot to give me my paycheck and ask him when he is going to outsource my middle class job?