Confused, Glossary of terms....?


Bringin Teh_Lulz
Americans are obsessed with abbreviations.

I can see MuppetUK's point.

What does DIAD stand for?

I always thought it was Direct Information Acquisition Device. Someone told me the other day that it is actually Delivery Information Acquisition Device.

Am I right or wrong?

Theres more than just Delivery information in there!

Delivery Information Acquisition Device is correct


Man of Great Wisdom
NI Not in
CLO Closed
NSN No such number
NSS " " street
NSC " " company
NSP " " person
FUT Future
REF refused
TLA talk listen act
DOK depth of knowledge
DVIR driver vehicle inspection report
OCA on call air
OTPU one time pick up
PAS overrated
center manager puppet of DM
BM Brownmonster


Retired 23 years
I used to service cross packages that were misloaded as a WL 1 or WD 1--------Won't Locate or Won't Deliever. No one ever questioned me about it:happy2: