Contract - What do you want and what would you give up for that?


Well-Known Member
I want to be treated fairly and not asked almost on the daily "What happened yesterday?"
I want my business deliveries to stop asking "Why are you here so late?" my joke of responding "That's Logistics!!!!" in song is getting old
I want to be able to relax after a 11.5 hr day without having a beer or two to take the edge off, see my first "want"
I want my on-roads', center manager, and dispatch personal have a freaking say in how many stops per car is do able to upper management
I want my union to stick up for at least the basic tenement of the contract of "An honest day's work for an honest day's pay"
I am willing to give up the personal time with my family that I have already lost, the self dignity I have suffered because I cannot stand alone in my fight for fair treatment, and the outrageous and unsubstantiated bonuses awarded to and taken by not only the company's brass but by the union's "leadership"


Well-Known Member
i see a lot of i would give up raises for x amount of time if x contract language is better,you need to be very carefull with that because look at the good concrete language we already have that grievances never get won on or put on hold or kicked back to the local.THE CONTRACT CAN HAVE ANYTHING IN IT BUT IF ITS NOT UPHELD AND ENFORCED THAN ITS give up your raises with the promise of better contract language and then ups will win two ways they wont pay raises and they wont lose greivances either,are you people serious on here.dont give up shi* we dont really need better language we need better enforcement for the language we already have.


Well-Known Member
I want triple time automatically for over 9.5:-)wink:) I want harassment to be a fireable offense, at the unions request. I would give up two years of raises for this.

with all the technology now, there should be very hard for UPS to dispatch its drivers with an 8.5 to 9.2. UPS just chooses to cutout routes and give drivers a 9.2+ day on their tight time allowed. CORPATE GREED SUCKS!!!


Well-Known Member
Think I've given up enough on split shifts 2 years, 7 months with 6 day work week, yet it's not considered 6th report. Clear 22.3 language would be good.


47 sick days per year at 10 hours straight time pay with language that prevents any discipline for using sick days as long as you call in at least 1 hour prior to your scheduled start time.

In return, removal of all 9.5 language.

In related news, UPS announced today that they were following the Post Office lead and going to a 4 day workweek, stating that a new commitment to family time for their employees initiated the change.
804red is right on point with his wants..

I want an efficient grievance process that works. You file an 8hr grievance it shows in your next check not 2-3 months down the road. Cited violations get paid in the next check otherwise they go to arbitration where winning grievances would be awrded additional penalties. Members struggle with staying motivated because the contract is consistently broken and if a grievance is awarded its often too little too late. Improve the system and enforcement of our contract, dividends could be exponential.


Well-Known Member
804red is right on point with his wants..

I want an efficient grievance process that works. You file an 8hr grievance it shows in your next check not 2-3 months down the road. Cited violations get paid in the next check otherwise they go to arbitration where winning grievances would be awrded additional penalties. Members struggle with staying motivated because the contract is consistently broken and if a grievance is awarded its often too little too late. Improve the system and enforcement of our contract, dividends could be exponential.

Hold on a sec... You want teamsters to enforce our contract? in a timely manner nonetheless? You ask too much sir.


Everyone wants an efficient, fast grievance process until they are on working termination that will likely hold. Careful what you wish for.

Thomas Aiden

New Member
I wouldnt give up anything for this company they are making billions. They treat us very poorly under the guise of safety. I have never voted yes on a contract nor will I ever.
I want company seniority instead of classification seniority. Hard to say what I would give up since some centers have
company seniority. That should be a uniform practice anyway, one way or the other.