Control Freaks Gravitate to UPS Management or Union Leadership Positions ?


Nine Lives
PASInterference made a reference (OK - real loose inference) to this in another thread (Someone trying to start the Civil War again).

Control Freaks Gravitate to UPS Management or Union Leadership Positions

Many management people stress out of things over which they have no control.
Since a large part of the concept of management is to control things (Plan, Organize, Control), maybe people with control issues gravitate to management.

It also appears, to me, that many of the Union Stewards have strong control tendencies too.

Is this controlling nature (some might call it a "God complex") already in these people or does the assuming the cloak of management/Steward bring out this latent tendency in all of us?


My personal opinion is that the latent tendencies is brought out by being a position of authority. But not everyone is affected. Some can handle it, some can't.
You do see some control freaks go into managment but it`s also their Achiles heel as now you know what to mess with to drive them the craziest.