Covid Vaccine Aftermath


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Same. That extra 5G can really come in handy when you've gotten your booster and get COVID anyway.
It really is nice. Coverage in tough areas is better and data speeds have cranked up. It's worth it for the long term myocardial damage. You anti-vaxxers are missing out.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Halloween is also a satanic holiday. Both instances involved young people dying at an event. We all know how satanic that Travis Scott concert was.
The secular practice is derived, and bastardized, from a religious one. Educate yourself.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don't care where it came from. I don't care how anyone views it or celebrates it.
Whoever invented walking up to a front door, knocking on it, saying Trick or Treat and getting free candy and all you have to do is wear a goofy mask, was a genius.
It was a candy packed fun evening.
Now, I have a blast with kiddos giving out free candy and laughing about how they're dressed up.