Crash the Tea Party


Well-Known Member
Tea Party Libertarians ? How can the"true Conservative" Tea Party heirarchial allow their movement to be hijacked in the first place. The Tea Party has evolved into nothing more than the newest integration of the same old disgruntled "we lost and we're pissed" ultra-conservative Republican agenda that we've already seen....This is easily demonstrated how Fox and the RNC is trying to deflect and hide these awful Tea party Candidates they

Left vs right....Rep vs Dem.....Consevative/Libertarian vs Progressive.....This is how the political system plays out in front of us on television/media. This left vs right paradigm of corporate owned (foreign and domestic) and controlled Republicans and oligarchical financier/foundation funded and controlled Democrats. In the end, no matter how you spin it, the elite win when that false game is played.


golden ticket member
It's not "we lost & we're p.o.'ed"

It's "when did the politicians start ignoring the constitution and the people and put themselves first?"


Staff member
Your naivete astounds me. When have politicians not put themselves and their reelections foremost? This is not a new development. Constitution? When is the last time Congress declared war? Been a while.


Staff member
Congress voted for going into Iraq.
Technically what they did was authorize the president to use military force, they didn't actually declare war. Congress hasn't formally declared war since WW2, which I suspect is what bbsam is getting at. Congress is supposed to be the only branch of government that can declare war, but if you look what's actually happened since 1941 you can make a pretty good case that they have abdicated their constitutional responsibilities in that regard.


Staff member
Technically what they did was authorize the president to use military force, they didn't actually declare war. Congress hasn't formally declared war since WW2, which I suspect is what bbsam is getting at. Congress is supposed to be the only branch of government that can declare war, but if you look what's actually happened since 1941 you can make a pretty good case that they have abdicated their constitutional responsibilities in that regard.
Exactly. And one might make a powerful arguement that that responsibility is the greatest one afforded congress by the Constitution. Ask why that is, and the answer should sicken anyone who hears it.


Well-Known Member
It's not "we lost & we're p.o.'ed"

It's "when did the politicians start ignoring the constitution and the people and put themselves first?"

This falls into the age old question.....where was the outrage when Georgie porgie was President ? The Tea Party is nothing more but the brainchild of conservative think tank sponsorships and nothing in resemblance to an actual grass roots movement.


Well-Known Member
crazy for CoCo Puffs

Did you say CoCo Puffs!


And you'll see equally impressive "puffs" when she's walking away too!

Ice T, you lucky dog you!


Well-Known Member
This falls into the age old question.....where was the outrage when Georgie porgie was President ? The Tea Party is nothing more but the brainchild of conservative think tank sponsorships and nothing in resemblance to an actual grass roots movement.

You should get a chuckle out of Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo's comments at the LRC blog as he makes a similar type point.


Well-Known Member
October 19, 2010

“We Are Winning”

Posted by James Ostrowski on October 19, 2010 06:32 AM
Sarah Palin says the tea party people are winning. The question is, what are they winning?
To answer that question, I am doing a review of the nine US Senate tea party candidates identified by the New York Times.
The issue? How many are proposing the elimination of a single federal agency? So far, none. Stay tuned.

Yesterday I heard a news report where repub. icon Newt Gingrich was already soft pedaling expectations after a repub. sweep in the mid-terms and saying that the next step is a full completed sweep in 2012' and getting back the White House. Let's use 1994' thru 2000' as a framework and what was said after the sweep took place in 2000'?

1) We need a super majority in the Congress.


2) We need to pack the Supreme Court.

In the case of the so-called super majority, that's pure BS because what's really said is we don't want to risk our own political position over a principled cause and even worse is that we lack the knowledge to make the arguement with real, true committment nor are we willing to seek the knowledge to do so in making our case in the public arena of ideas. In the case of the court, at one point during the time that the repubs. controlled the Congress and the White House, 7 of the 9 SCOTUS judges were repub. appointees so in effect a single political party controlled all 3 branches of gov't and yet gov't even in the none defense sector actually grew in size and scope.

One should seriously start asking not about the use of tea bags but rather whatz really in them! I know what get's my vote.



Strength through joy
News Flash.....................

NAACP releases report accusing tea party groups of links to bigots

Sal Russo, a California political consultant and chief strategist for the Tea Party Express, called the report ridiculous.
“To attack a grassroots movement of this magnitude with sundry isolated incidents only goes to show the NAACP has abandoned the cause of civil rights for the advancement of liberal Democrat politics,” Russo said.



golden ticket member
I like what the college student did in attending a Tea Party rally and taking a picture of every sign at the rally. She went down each row of people in a very deliberate way and her findings were that most signs addressed the issues at hand. She saw a few that might be racist........She wanted to see for herself how this group could just be called bigots and racists by the MSM. It's because MSM reports what it wants to and not what actually is.


Well-Known Member
You should get a chuckle out of Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo's comments at the LRC blog as he makes a similar type point.

(Among the recent winners of the Claremont Institute’s “statesman of the year” award are Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Victor Davis Hanson).
I wonder how many other “independent” TEA Party candidates are also neocon fronts?

And Brown Cafe Conservatives wonder why I have issues with the Tea Party. Neo-Cons, like a bad case of herpies. They infected the GOP, and now the original grass root (Ind) Tea Party movement.....

“Women are primarily responsible for the finances in their household, own small businesses, take care of their children and their aging parents,”

Read more:

Translation....submissive women's role are to be home, barefoot and pregnant, serving their bread-winning husbands on hand-n-foot.....and reading scary right wing web sites enticing them to attend Tea-Parties, instead of enhancing their home part-time e-bay business.....the Daily Caller's disgruntled ex-msnbc contributor Tucker Carlson thanks you.....