Diad 4 / Brokerage Fees


I had read somewhere on this site that the Diad 4 had a key for brokerage fees and most of you thought it useless. Well up here in Canada we get a lot of these and was curious to where this key was on the diad ? There has to be some time allowance over your regular COD as Brokerage fees are usually unexpected. The customer always says I've already paid for shipping and you have to tell them no these are border charges (Damn:greedy: Government!) Oh who do I make the check payable to? Sheepishly you say UPS. The worst is paying by credit card I had to seperate orders for a customer both with brokerage owing she paid via credit card so now on both forms you have to write down cc # expiry date todays date twice on each form (first date mm/dd/yr the 2nd time dd/mm/yr) then have them sign then print then sign again on both forms. Wow I just ranted! If there is such I key I would like to know where it is oe how to access it as I get on average 10 a day


Well-Known Member
We don't get a lot of brokerage fees here in my center but when we do we must enter the COD amount and the brokerage fees separately, much the same as we enter checks separately if we accept 2 or more checks for the same COD. Brokerage fees suck because, as you said, 99% of the time the customer has no idea that they are going to be charged these fees and are usually not happy about doing so. Also, we do not accept credit/debit cards (yet) but do see the day before I retire (10 years) when we will begin doing so.


If our higher ups weren't so paranoid they should've added a damn swipe stripe to our diads. Poof, 10 secs a COD taken care of!