Did we just lose Target?


Well-Known Member
Guy next to me in our loop has a dreaded Target pickup that I've gotten stuck covering a few times. Anyway, he says to me the other day that their receiver told them that their ditching us and are gonna start moving their own stuff soon. Has anyone else heard anything similar?
I'm sure this is the way big box stores are going. UPS is chasing small to medium business.

I have NOT been lurking

Degenerate Member
What kind of dog is thees?


Well-Known Member
I didn’t invest in anything, never was asked they just took it, that’s quite a bit different than investing. I don’t recall Apple, taking money out of my paycheck and investing it without my consent. I was unaware it’s the governments job to invest. I thought it was to protect us, and to provide basic services.
govts do invest heavily in things. drugs, computers, internet, gps, satellite, etc.

i would guess you cant count on the free market for investment / its bad economics to do so. the govt does lots of things without asking. if it was more democratic, there would be a referendum on what to invest in.


because the owners have too much power even when its unionized. ive never done a just unionized job as an employee; the union was never good enough.

id be in favor of 3/4/5/etc co-owners.
Why shouldn't owners have power to control their own business?