Election 2016


Well-Known Member
If we really want peace and goodwill, why do we go to such ends to dictate a system that uses force and compulsion to get our way, even to the point of dictating a gun be used and even kill people in order to accomplish our political ends?

Google defines "Terrorism" as, "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." Seems to me we just haven't sat down and given real thought in how terrorism can and does actually express itself.



Strength through joy
NEWS FLASH ********** NEWS FLASH**********

Early votes have come in.

This was unexpected .

TOS wins by a landslide.

**************film at eleven***************************


Strength through joy
You recall all those times when TOS was faced with a true fact that he could not dispute and wandered away for a little while , thinking we have moved on and forgotten about it.
Well that time has come again .
Oh, he'll pop in under one of his many ids just to see what going on.
Before he comes back blasting both barrels directed at Trump.
At least this defeat will cure him of BDS and SPS.


Retired 22 years
So much for some peoples prediction of a Hilary land slide. Has TOS made any comments lately? Remember---We will survive. The markets would have tumbled either way and will recover. As of this moment I'm still not sure whos going to win but I bet Hilarys camp is sweating bullets.