

Strength through joy
(Flash Report)- Today the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association notified the Los Angeles Unified School District and the Los Angeles Board of Education today that, in abject ignorance of California state law, the political campaign of Senator Barbara Boxer has openly solicited teachers employed by LAUSD to urge their students to volunteer for her campaign.
HJTA’s letter to the school district urges LAUSD to immediately inform all its personnel, credentialed or otherwise, that it would be a clear violation of law for teachers to recruit their students on school property during school hours to volunteer for a specific political campaign.
Pursuant to both case law and a specific provision of the California Education Code, what Boxer wants would leave LAUSD subject to both civil and potentially criminal sanctions. Common sense should also tell her that seeking public resources and classroom time from teachers to do herpolitical bidding is just wrong. Barbara Boxer should know better.


Strength through joy
(New English Review)- Today, at a groundbreaking ceremony for subsidized housing to be run by Central Boston Elder Services, a non-profit organization funded mainly by state and Federal money, the proceedings were brought to a close by Abdullah Farooq, the louche imam of the louche Boston Mosque, the history of which includes such piquant details as the sale of city land, arranged by a Muslim member of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, at far below market prices, and the subsequent travels — with city funds, apparently — of that same BRA member to Saudi Arabia, to raise more money.
He delivered a Muslim prayer, did this Abdullah Farooq who once told Muslims they should, if they felt it necessary, “reach for their guns,” and he asked the whole audience to join him in proclaiming “Allahu Akbar” — a Muslim statement of elation — of elative and relative triumph over the Infidels, for Allah is the Greatest, and Allah is also Greater for it says not that “God is Great” but that “God, the Muslim God, Allah,” is greater than the God of the Christians or the Jahweh of the Jews.
And when the audience did as it was told, he berated them for not being enthusiastic and loud enough, and insisted that again they all say with him, this time more loudly, and with feeling: : Allahu Akbar.
And so they dutifully, or sheepishly, did.
And among those who lustily shouted “Allahu Akbar” was the man sitting next to Abdullah Farooq:
Senator John Kerry.
I believe that spectacle has been caught on tape. I certainly hope that tape, or at least a few stills, appear on YouTube. Just a little something — not to be forgotten — during the next election.


golden ticket member


Staff member
Nice article Babs. I guess it's not only Juan Williams who can suck up like a piglet on the FoxNews/Clearchannel teet!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
October 29, 2010

Surprise! It’s October!

Posted by Christopher Manion on October 29, 2010 06:29 PM
The Cuban Missile Crisis began on October 17 (my sister’s birthday), 1962. As October Surprises go, that is early by today’s standards, but Americans had a much longer attention span back then: television news routinely carried “actualities” of candidates and elected officials that featured the figure actually speaking his own words for thirty or even forty uninterrupted seconds. With the decline of American education since then, today’s viewer is lucky to see a brief silent video (two or three seconds max) of a public figure while the newsreader/actress gives the viewer her critique of what the figure supposedly said.
Given that intellectual decline, referred to as “progress” by the National Education Union, today’s October surprises must come much closer to election day (often capitalized to indicate reverence). Hence, George W. Bush’s DUI arrest was announced by the media on the Friday before the 2000 general election, lest anyone forget over the weekend. According to reliable estimates, that bit of news (hardly a surprise, given his previous candor regarding that aspect of his past) kept some four million blue-hairs (as they are known in showbiz) from the polls the following Tuesday.
So apparently the working estimate of the most attractive day for an effective October Surprise is — today! Heretofore, the Emperor’s approval ratings have been sinking (or should we say slouching?) towards next Tuesday. Watch to see whether there is a bump, as he finally has a chance to act “presidential.” If so, the response just might derail the cruising omnibus of GOP dreams and make 2010 another ho-hum year on Washington’s road to perdition.