Embassy Attacks

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
GEE, I guess I drew the short straw. While I had my fingers crossed that the movie that sparked all the violence in the middle east was filmed in LA JOLLA, Turns out it was filmed in my own backyard.

'Innocence of Muslims' casts shadow on Blue Cloud Movie Ranch - latimes.com

Gee go figure, the film makers who recieved the permit for filming was called MEDIA FOR CHRIST. WOW, you mean to tell me christians made this movie??

NAH, i dont believe it. FOX told me it doesnt exist, and if it did, it was crappy.




Staff member
That proves my point. You cannot defend the action/inaction of Obama so you attack anything you perceive to be in opposition.

The only thing they have to answer for is the lack of suitable defenses at the embassy. That is a failure of forethought throughout the goverrnment including the administration and any oversight committe from the House or Senate and even Mitt Romney if he wants people to believe he has thought long and hard about foreign policy. Nobody even on location saw this threat arising out of the Arab Spring, but they all should have. This is democracy at work.


Well-Known Member
Libertarian Review posted a muslim protest summary that put alleged numbers in context. Fact is, had the entire muslim world exploded with say 10% of the total population, there's no way to stop that. Thus another reason we should be out of this region entirely and yes that includes Israel too. No aid, no nothing.

If Israel wants to thump a bronze age dogma as divine right to a land claim, let them do so on their own. Over half of the world jewish population lives elsewhere so that alone sez something.

Here's an interactive map for all the riots and/or protests.
(A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - Global - The Atlantic Wire)
For the news reports it seems that the majority were peaceful. Unfortunately there were some outbreaks of violence, but even with the highest reports mentioning "thousands" protesting, with close to 40-some locations around the world, this still doesn't make up 1% of the total population of Muslims. For updated stats and location go to A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - Global - The Atlantic Wire.

Lue C Fur

Evil member


golden ticket member
Fox didn't say it didn't exist....I've had it on my "saves" for a few days, so we know it does. They said it wasn't the reason for the killings but they used it as an excuse. How convenientfor them.

You are posting it now like it's a new thing.

Both Obama andClinton doubled down on the movie being the cause and that it wasn't a planned attack(BS)


Well-Known Member
The only thing they have to answer for is the lack of suitable defenses at the embassy. That is a failure of forethought throughout the goverrnment including the administration and any oversight committe from the House or Senate and even Mitt Romney if he wants people to believe he has thought long and hard about foreign policy. Nobody even on location saw this threat arising out of the Arab Spring, but they all should have. This is democracy at work.

You sure about that? You must have attended those intelligence briefings that Obama missed.

President of Libya says "no doubt attack planned months in advance".

Libya warned U.S days in advance of attack.

Israel warned months in advance.

US intelligence saw threat rising.

Add to that every idiot knows that September 11 brings an additional threat to Americans in the Middle East.

And the President gets mad at Romney, but goes to party in Vegas.
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Well-Known Member
You sure about that? You must have attended those intelligence briefings that Obama missed.

President of Libya says "no doubt attack planned months in advance".

Libya warned U.S days in advance of attack.

Israel warned months in advance.

US intelligence saw threat rising.

Add to that every idiot knows that September 11 brings an additional threat to Americans in the Middle East.

And the President get mad at Romney but goes to party in Vegas.

Once again we have another perfect example of Obama being Bushlike in how he performs as President.


Staff member
You sure about that? You must have attended those intelligence briefings that Obama missed.

President of Libya says "no doubt attack planned months in advance".

Libya warned U.S days in advance of attack.

Israel warned months in advance.

US intelligence saw threat rising.

Add to that every idiot knows that September 11 brings an additional threat to Americans in the Middle East.

And the President get mad at Romney but goes to party in Vegas.
I think you need to read the facts of the articles you posted without the 20/20 hindsight. There was nothing specific unlike the attack on September 11th.


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to understand Romney's initial position. He didn't like the embassy's statement that came out about a crappy video and said the administration should take a tougher stance for our values. He went on to explain that the embassy is the administration. Is he saying then basically that Christopher Steven and the three other patriots that died in service to their nation deserved to die? They are, afterall, "the administration". That is at least tone deaf and at worst simply ignorance of diplomacy.

You may have noticed we're having an election. I don't think Romney really believes all the stuff he said, he's just behind in the polls and looking for some traction. He thought he spotted a good opening and took a shot, it just didn't pan out quite like he wanted.

Check those polls again there bub. It's a dead heat.


Staff member
Well according to bbsam that would not be specific enough if Obama were President.

Not true. While Secry Rice was concerned with China, intelligence was coming in about possible suicide attacks with aircraft. The hijackers were known and were being watched. Big, big difference.


Well-Known Member
Not true. While Secry Rice was concerned with China, intelligence was coming in about possible suicide attacks with aircraft. The hijackers were known and were being watched. Big, big difference.

I see your point. While intelligence was coming in about impending attacks on embassies Obama was concerned about partying in Vegas.