Ending DACA


Well-Known Member
Sieg Heil! They should be granted a green card because it's the right thing to do. That doesn't give them the right to vote or import relatives. If however they commit or have committed crimes they are out of here. The fact is no one is making an effort to remove the probably 30 million+ illegals here now. Trump sought to stop the flow but he wasn't going to remove all of those already here. Make it clear, if they commit crimes and are caught they will go back to wherever. And stop playing around with the ones who have committed crime. Unless it's for murder send every last one in prison back to their home country so that we don't pay for housing them in prison. There's plenty to be done but we want to argue over some twenty year old who was brought here when he was 2, speaks better English than Spanish, never been in trouble and works hard at two jobs. That's not only cruel but just stupid and inhumane. Try to be a bigger person than the idiots who scream "kill them all and let God sort them out!" If you really want to make a difference at the border stop allowing anchor babies. We're one of few countries that give birthright citizenship no matter the status of the parents. Citizenship should be for the children of citizens as well as those naturalized. How many people are here now because they crossed our border and had a new American citizen?
Unfortunetly it won't work that way.
Court Dockets will be full of these "dreamers" demanding their "constitutional" rights and leftist radicals in black robes will write the "living, breathing" constitution to their liking.

You can't get caught in their game.

No legal status for illegal entrants or their offspring.

I understand it's a tuff stance, I don't like it much myself, but we do fight an enemy Hell bent on transforming this Republic.

It's a shame the left destroys everything they touch.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Which part is unconstitutional?
Any person born in the USA is eligible for USA citizenship.

Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states that: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."


Well-Known Member
Unfortunetly it won't work that way.
Court Dockets will be full of these "dreamers" demanding their "constitutional" rights and leftist radicals in black robes will write the "living, breathing" constitution to their liking.

You can't get caught in their game.

No legal status for illegal entrants or their offspring.

I understand it's a tuff stance, I don't like it much myself, but we do fight an enemy Hell bent on transforming this Republic.

It's a shame the left destroys everything they touch.
The Left wants open borders, the Right, at least many of them, wants every last illegal removed. As in all things we'll have to seek a compromise. Close the border, but let the ones already here remain, without citizenship. Let's face it half the country wants this, the other half wants that, on numerous subjects. We'll have to learn to meet halfway with reasonable compromises. This administration does this, the next rushes in to do a 180, we're going to tear ourselves apart. I know some would truly like to kill the other side, want no compromises. We're setting ourselves up to fail if we keep going down this path.


Well-Known Member
Any person born in the USA is eligible for USA citizenship.

Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states that: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
I understand that.
I understand exactly why the constitution was ammended and for what purpose.
It dealt with slaves.

We have a dilemma however.
A person born to an illegal entrant, whose parent(s) citizenship is of another nation is under the jurisdiction of their nation, via citizenship. Their legal residence is where they came from until they can satisfy the requirements for legal residence where they land.

For infractions of law, criminal or civil they are under the jurisdiction of the county or state where the offense was committed, be it criminal or tort, not where they hang their hat.

I knew I would have the 14th Amendment offered to me.
Precisely the reason I said offer no legal documentation for any illegal immigrant.

I have to admit I do stand on the literal wording of the Constitution.
In light of that, I despise those that subvert laws to their benefit and then use the Constitution to support their position.

It's a Cloward-Piven strategy the left is known for.

You fight with what you've got.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I understand that.
I understand exactly why the constitution was ammended and for what purpose.
It dealt with slaves.

We have a dilemma however.
A person born to an illegal entrant, whose parent(s) citizenship is of another nation is under the jurisdiction of their nation, via citizenship. Their legal residence is where they came from until they can satisfy the requirements for legal residence where they land.

For infractions of law, criminal or civil they are under the jurisdiction of the county or state where the offense was committed, be it criminal or tort, not where they hang their hat.

I knew I would have the 14th Amendment offered to me.
Precisely the reason I said offer no legal documentation for any illegal immigrant.

I have to admit I do stand on the literal wording of the Constitution.
In light of that, I despise those that subvert laws to their benefit and then use the Constitution to support their position.

It's a Cloward-Piven strategy the left is known for.

You fight with what you've got.
I get your gist but in order to change the provisions in the 14th Amendment, one of the following processes must occur.

Amending the Constitution is a complicated process. The Constitution's Article V lays out the process by which the Constitution may be amended. There are actually four different ways, but only one is widely used:

  • Proposal by convention of the states, with ratification by state conventions. This method has never been used.
  • Proposal by convention of the states, with ratification by state legislatures. This method has also never been used.
  • Proposal by Congress, with ratification by state conventions. This method has been used one time.
  • Proposal by Congress, with ratification by the state legislatures. This method was used for all current amendments except one.


Well-Known Member
The Left wants open borders, the Right, at least many of them, wants every last illegal removed. As in all things we'll have to seek a compromise. Close the border, but let the ones already here remain, without citizenship. Let's face it half the country wants this, the other half wants that, on numerous subjects. We'll have to learn to meet halfway with reasonable compromises. This administration does this, the next rushes in to do a 180, we're going to tear ourselves apart. I know some would truly like to kill the other side, want no compromises. We're setting ourselves up to fail if we keep going down this path.
No thanks.
Not 1 inch when you deal with this type.

H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021117th Congress (2021-2022)​


(a) Requiring States To Establish and Operate Automatic
Registration System.--
(1) In general.--The chief State election official of each
State shall establish and operate a system of automatic
registration for the registration of eligible individuals to
vote for elections for Federal office in the State, in
accordance with the provisions of this part.
(2) Definition.--The term ``automatic registration'' means
a system that registers an individual to vote in elections for
Federal office in a State, if eligible, by electronically
transferring the information necessary for registration from
government agencies to election officials of the State so that,
unless the individual affirmatively declines to be registered,
the individual will be registered to vote in such elections.


Well-Known Member
I get your gist but in order to change the provisions in the 14th Amendment, one of the following processes must occur.

Amending the Constitution is a complicated process. The Constitution's Article V lays out the process by which the Constitution may be amended. There are actually four different ways, but only one is widely used:

  • Proposal by convention of the states, with ratification by state conventions. This method has never been used.
  • Proposal by convention of the states, with ratification by state legislatures. This method has also never been used.
  • Proposal by Congress, with ratification by state conventions. This method has been used one time.
  • Proposal by Congress, with ratification by the state legislatures. This method was used for all current amendments except one.
Understood, good to see you are a proponent of the Convention of States.

You aren't just a pretty face. :thumbup1:

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You aren't just a pretty face. :thumbup1:
My Jerry Garcia days ... 7 years ago or so! LOL

El Correcto

god is dead
Reeeee nazi man said the mean thing!
Blanket amnesty doesn’t work. People who bring their children here should know they won’t be offered a happy life for breaking our laws.
You are sitting here crying wanting to kick the can down the road, I disagree. Blanket amnesty deals have to end if we are going to be serious on immigration reform.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunetly it won't work that way.
Court Dockets will be full of these "dreamers" demanding their "constitutional" rights and leftist radicals in black robes will write the "living, breathing" constitution to their liking.

You can't get caught in their game.

No legal status for illegal entrants or their offspring.

I understand it's a tuff stance, I don't like it much myself, but we do fight an enemy Hell bent on transforming this Republic.

It's a shame the left destroys everything they touch.
what he said


Well-Known Member
Blanket amnesty doesn’t work. People who bring their children here should know they won’t be offered a happy life for breaking our laws.
You are sitting here crying wanting to kick the can down the road, I disagree. Blanket amnesty deals have to end if we are going to be serious on immigration reform.
Illegal immigration will never be reformed until white Eastern Europeans from former communist countries and former Soviet satellite state citizens flood our borders.

You have read or listened to the message given to Cubans this week, on how they will be delt with.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I was too in a hurry to offer a funny reply.

Great picture old rat.

I respect you.
Go listen to some music, get over your depression.
Best to you my friend :thumbup1: :thumbup1:

Lookin like Hank Jr to me

Take care:thumbup1:
Thanks Man!

This is the third day and it's getting better.
I just ate 4 ozs of chicken salad.
I wish I had some of Gumby's grilling meat & onions ... but that's probably too rich after 2 1/2 days of fasting.