Ending DACA


Well-Known Member
Thanks Man!

This is the third day and it's getting better.
I just ate 4 ozs of chicken salad.
I wish I had some of Gumby's grilling meat & onions ... but that's probably too rich after 2 1/2 days of fasting.
That was some good lookin :poop: ,

Take care of yourself, If you need to talk to a jackass, pm me, I can cure you of that need quickly.:thumbup1:

4 ozs of chicken salad, your mama should whip you
Thank You:thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
No thanks.
Not 1 inch when you deal with this type.

H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021117th Congress (2021-2022)​


(a) Requiring States To Establish and Operate Automatic
Registration System.--
(1) In general.--The chief State election official of each
State shall establish and operate a system of automatic
registration for the registration of eligible individuals to
vote for elections for Federal office in the State, in
accordance with the provisions of this part.
(2) Definition.--The term ``automatic registration'' means
a system that registers an individual to vote in elections for
Federal office in a State, if eligible, by electronically
transferring the information necessary for registration from
government agencies to election officials of the State so that,
unless the individual affirmatively declines to be registered,
the individual will be registered to vote in such elections.
Not everyone on the Left is an extremist. Look at Box Ox. Last year in the Democratic debates there were several candidates that were reasonable people. They made no headway, for sure, but not every Democrat is evil incarnate. We're either going to have to make compromises we can all mostly live with, or we're going to destroy the country.


Well-Known Member
Blanket amnesty doesn’t work. People who bring their children here should know they won’t be offered a happy life for breaking our laws.
You are sitting here crying wanting to kick the can down the road, I disagree. Blanket amnesty deals have to end if we are going to be serious on immigration reform.
I am 100% for shutting down the border. I am 100% for removing criminals from the country. But don't kid yourself. All these people who are here now aren't here as the result of one party's policies. Don't blame them for a porous border. This hasn't been going on for 10 or 20 years but for many decades. I have half Hispanic cousins because of it. Most of the Hispanic citizens in this country today are here because their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, or even further back crossed the border illegally. We can harumph all we want but it doesn't change that. Clamp down on the border because it's absolutely necessary. But don't treat the people already here like vermin because chances are your relatives came here under less than auspicious circumstances and weren't treated with much dignity either. Try to rise above, not sink to new lows.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone on the Left is an extremist. Look at Box Ox. Last year in the Democratic debates there were several candidates that were reasonable people. They made no headway, for sure, but not every Democrat is evil incarnate. We're either going to have to make compromises we can all mostly live with, or we're going to destroy the country.
No compromise, compromise led us here, where we are today.
I've looked @Box Ox, I've told him exactly what I think of his position, and his feigned disgust for his party.

We will not destroy this country (maybe I speak for myself), the left and compliant rinos are, damn the torpedos full steam ahead.

Every pillar of the country they seek to destroy, democrats with a hammer, rinos with a compliant vote.

Nope, not me. I refuse to go down like that.

I told you specifically the country was lost, more than three years ago. Time flies, it was shortly after I signed on here.

It is, gone, no return, but I refuse to give up, in whatever little way I can to delay the final collapse.

You compromise all you want, in this instance, I'm not made like that.

I've screwed up enough in life, this will not be tagged to me.

My line in the sand.

We live in a post constitutional period, by definition, the country is lost.

Do what you want to, be a Neville Chamberlain, it's your life.

I'm not persuaded.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone on the Left is an extremist. Look at Box Ox. Last year in the Democratic debates there were several candidates that were reasonable people. They made no headway, for sure, but not every Democrat is evil incarnate. We're either going to have to make compromises we can all mostly live with, or we're going to destroy the country.

At nut cuttin time if a "moderate democrat" vote is needed they jump and fetch, they appear moderate only to remain in office.

Why currently do the democrate problem children come from West Virginia and Arizona?

Every elected democrat will vote for evil incarnate if/when they have to. The ones that won't leave the party, Vernon Jones is an example, and he may well prove to be a rino, nonetheless he left the party.

My opinion, not pulled out of my ass either.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
No compromise, compromise led us here, where we are today.
I've looked @Box Ox, I've told him exactly what I think of his position, and his feigned disgust for his party.

I'll make my disgust count at the polls in 2024 after Trump has died from the effects of the COVID vaccine he received in January. If the vaccine hasn't already taken me out too. ;)



Well-Known Member
I'll make my disgust count at the polls in 2024 after Trump has died from the effects of the COVID vaccine he received in January. If the vaccine hasn't already taken me out too. ;)

View attachment 345085
I know you, I can see right through you.

If you haven't dumped the dims after a hoax Mueller investigation, two failed impeachments, one that wasn't even legal and everything else that has come to light, nice guy that I think you are, you're still :bsbullf:.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I know you, I can see right through you.

If you haven't dumped the dims after a hoax Mueller investigation, two failed impeachments, one that wasn't even legal and everything else that has come to light, nice guy that I think you are, you're still :bsbullf:.

The Republican Party isn't yet ready to embrace moderates who aren't happy with the Democratic Party. I'll just have to wait and let the vaccine do its thing.

Trump wins the CPAC straw poll as attendees clamor for him to run again

"Trump topped the list of roughly a dozen candidates that included him with 70%, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis won the support of 21% in the informal survey."


Well-Known Member
The Republican Party isn't yet ready to embrace moderates who aren't happy with the Democratic Party. I'll just have to wait and let the vaccine do its thing.

Trump wins the CPAC straw poll as attendees clamor for him to run again

"Trump topped the list of roughly a dozen candidates that included him with 70%, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis won the support of 21% in the informal survey."
Believe it or not, laying politics aside we'd probably enjoy drinking a beer together.

That said, I'm not a republican, I don't really give a :poop: what their party thinks.

I do know, under my political belief system it is impossible for me to vote for any democrat, period.

Trump/DeSantis 2024


Well-Known Member
No compromise, compromise led us here, where we are today.
I've looked @Box Ox, I've told him exactly what I think of his position, and his feigned disgust for his party.

We will not destroy this country (maybe I speak for myself), the left and compliant rinos are, damn the torpedos full steam ahead.

Every pillar of the country they seek to destroy, democrats with a hammer, rinos with a compliant vote.

Nope, not me. I refuse to go down like that.

I told you specifically the country was lost, more than three years ago. Time flies, it was shortly after I signed on here.

It is, gone, no return, but I refuse to give up, in whatever little way I can to delay the final collapse.

You compromise all you want, in this instance, I'm not made like that.

I've screwed up enough in life, this will not be tagged to me.

My line in the sand.

We live in a post constitutional period, by definition, the country is lost.

Do what you want to, be a Neville Chamberlain, it's your life.

I'm not persuaded.
Neville Chamberlain would have never shut the border down. Trump was the only president willing to. But even he wouldn't have rounded up every illegal and shipped them home. We have to stem the tide. But if you are concerned for your soul please don't stand in front of God and tell him you drove people into a certain life of poverty after they had a chance at a better life. Borders are men's inventions, not God's. We can't take them all in, but we don't have to hurt those already here.

El Correcto

god is dead
I am 100% for shutting down the border. I am 100% for removing criminals from the country. But don't kid yourself. All these people who are here now aren't here as the result of one party's policies. Don't blame them for a porous border. This hasn't been going on for 10 or 20 years but for many decades. I have half Hispanic cousins because of it. Most of the Hispanic citizens in this country today are here because their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, or even further back crossed the border illegally. We can harumph all we want but it doesn't change that. Clamp down on the border because it's absolutely necessary. But don't treat the people already here like vermin because chances are your relatives came here under less than auspicious circumstances and weren't treated with much dignity either. Try to rise above, not sink to new lows.
DACA is a bartering chip just like the rest of the non sense we debate. If democrats refuse an immigration reform bill DACA should be canceled and they should be ejected from the country when they are caught here illegally.

El Correcto

god is dead
Neville Chamberlain would have never shut the border down. Trump was the only president willing to. But even he wouldn't have rounded up every illegal and shipped them home. We have to stem the tide. But if you are concerned for your soul please don't stand in front of God and tell him you drove people into a certain life of poverty after they had a chance at a better life. Borders are men's inventions, not God's. We can't take them all in, but we don't have to hurt those already here.
Wah wah jew god wah wah, let the illegals stay.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That was some good lookin :poop: ,

Take care of yourself, If you need to talk to a jackass, pm me, I can cure you of that need quickly.:thumbup1:

4 ozs of chicken salad, your mama should whip you
Thank You:thumbup1:
He does this song every show and every time I've seen him (20+ times) ... This song is so fresh and touches my emotions.
Makes me feel so good inside ... thank you!!!
I needed that.
As an aside ... I've got the same Mark Bass set-up as the bass player. Mic 15° off center on a 2x10 cabinet is sweet zone.
Thanks, I've got counseling lined up and it's best to get insight from one source.

Brighter days ahead!