Eric Holder

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What did you gather from this video??

Holder answers the questions, Mike Lee makes NO headway into anything he asked about, and Mike Lee simply stating that no one person should have too much power is lame at best.

Obama has made less executive orders than other presidents, and mike lee wants to split hairs and talk about the kinds of executive orders vs quantity.

It was GW BUSH who created the patriot act and everything that followed. It was BUSH that collected LARGER levels of metadata on american citizens with the republicans blessing, but NOW all of a sudden, its the republicans who want to complain about the collection process??

Give us a break.

President Obama will use the executive priviledge effectively to prevent the republicans from running this country into the ground further than they already have.

Lame video.



Strength through joy
Tell me which major law GWB pushed thru Congress , signed it into law and then made up exceptions without Congress' approval .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Tell me which major law GWB pushed thru Congress , signed it into law and then made up exceptions without Congress' approval .

OMG, you are really asking for a "legislative beating"...

Heres one! ( and I thought Obama was raising wages was "unprecedented" as fox news says..

2008 Executive Orders Disposition Tables
George W. Bush - 2008
Executive Order 13454
Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay

  • Signed: January 4, 2008
  • Federal Register page and date: 73 FR 1481, January 8, 2008
  • Supersedes: EO 13420, December 21, 2006
  • Superseded by: EO 13483, December 18, 2008

Heres a doozy, Increasing the NSA's ability to spy on americans...

Executive Order 13470
Further Amendments to Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities
  • Signed: July 30, 2008
  • Federal Register page and date: 73 FR 45325, August 4, 2008
  • See: EO 12036, January 24, 1978; EO 12958, April 17, 1995; EO 13354, August 27, 2004; EO 13355, August 27, 2004; EO 13462, February 29, 2008
  • Amends: EO 12333, December 4, 1981
  • Revokes: EO 13354, August 27, 2004, and EO 13355, August 27, 2004, read in conjunction with EO 12333, December 4, 1981

Gee, more spying authorized by BUSH.

Executive Order 13475
Further Amendments to Executive Orders 12139 and 12949 In Light of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008
  • Signed: October 7, 2008
  • Federal Register page and date: 73 FR 60095, October 10, 2008
  • Amends: EO 12139, May 23, 1979; EO 12949, February 9, 1995

Here's where BUSH authorized TORTURE and DETENTION of non charged prisoners...

Executive Order 13440
Interpretation of the Geneva Conventions Common Article 3 as Applied to a Program of Detention and Interrogation Operated by the Central Intelligence Agency
  • Signed: July 20, 2007
  • Federal Register page and date: 72 FR 40707, July 24, 2007
THe list goes on and on... Not that youd read any of them... I would call torture a major law despite the geneva convention laws that forbid it.



golden ticket member
Holder thinks it's racism the way he's treated.

He asked, what other A.G's have been treated the way he has? Gee, what other A.G's have been questionable in their behavior and by questionable I mean criminal-like.

It's not his color, it's his character that is in question. He's sleazy......IMO.
Withholding info and/or lying is sleazy to me.


nowhere special
Holder thinks it's racism the way he's treated.

He asked, what other A.G's have been treated the way he has? Gee, what other A.G's have been questionable in their behavior and by questionable I mean criminal-like.

It's not his color, it's his character that is in question. He's sleazy......IMO.
Withholding info and/or lying is sleazy to me.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Holder thinks it's racism the way he's treated.

He asked, what other A.G's have been treated the way he has? Gee, what other A.G's have been questionable in their behavior and by questionable I mean criminal-like.

It's not his color, it's his character that is in question. He's sleazy......IMO.
Withholding info and/or lying is sleazy to me.
John Mitchell, Ed Meese, John Ashcroft, Roberto Gonzales, Michael Mukasey. To name a few.


golden ticket member
John Mitchell, Ed Meese, John Ashcroft, Roberto Gonzales, Michael Mukasey. To name a few.
Did they claim racism????? No, it's business as usual. They are all crooked and their color has nothing to do with point!!

So instead of Holder saying yes, I'm corrupt, he says yes, I'm black.


golden ticket member
Jobs & economy are important issues, but Holder has seen fit to draw all attention to his race (insecurity) issues and with the preezy visiting Sharpton's camp attention of the media is pulled off really important issues and the media s covering race stuff............because Sharpton is an important figure....NOT !!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Two federal judges on the U.S. Sentencing Commission said Thursday that
Attorney General Eric Holder stepped "outside the legal system" and exceeded the authority of the executive branch by sending "improper instruction" to federal prosecutors to reduce drug sentences before they were officially approved by either the commission or Congress.

You are aware that the U.S. Sentencing Commission decided to retroactively reduce drug sentences? You are also aware, I'm sure, that this was about differentiating between crack & powder cocaine?

All Holder did was avoid costly retrials and use common sense.
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nowhere special
You are aware that the U.S. Sentencing Commission decided to retroactively reduce drug sentences? You are also aware, I'm sure, that this was about differentiating between crack & powder cocaine?

All Holder did was avoid costly retrials and use common sense.

No, Holder broke the law. The US Sentencing Commission is allowed to change guidelines. That is their job. Whether it results in retrials is no concern of Holders. His job is to enforce the law, not interpret it.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Did they claim racism????? No, it's business as usual. They are all crooked and their color has nothing to do with point!!

So instead of Holder saying yes, I'm corrupt, he says yes, I'm black.
Why in the world would white guys(apart from Gonzales) claim racism?

On the other hand, Louie Gohmert is not only nuts, but also a well known racist.