Getting bumped


bella amicizia
I don't know what the bid time is here, but I'll use 2 years. If I knew that I would not be back to work for 2 years why should I bid? By the time I get back it'll be time to bid again. I wouldn't be losing my full time position by not bidding, I just potentially wouldn't have a standard route when I got back. Now if I would be losing out on FT status I'd be fighting like hell to bid.

I certainly view things differently than a lot of people here, I know what the system is now, and know it's probably not going to change. So at this point it's just a disagreement of how we think things should be done with nothing changed in the end.
How do you know how long it will take to heal? How do you know how the long the comp/court/approval process will take? It's all subjective. Nothing is written in stone. I had no idea I would be out this long. There are so many variables in this process. It's very easy to side-line quarterback. Very Easy. I hope you are never in the position I am in with the vultures, I mean, the part-timers circling licking their chops hoping you are permanently hurt, so that you can't come back to work. Drooling over your misfortune. I really hope you never have to go through ABSOLUTE BULL**** that I have been through. I hope you never have to endure this. But, if you did, you tune would change. No doubt in my mind.
Have a great day, Nimnim.


Well-Known Member
As I stated above, I think the balance of the current bid cycle and the next full bid cycle should be sufficient as far as holding a bid position open for an injured employee. If the employee comes back during a bid cycle they would displace the lowest seniority FT bid cover driver until the next bid cycle begins at which time they would bid based on their seniority.


bella amicizia
I pray none of you have to endure what I've had to endure, just to come back to work and be punished some more by being the on the bottom. Talk about salt in the wound. I have lost my christmas spirit. You people suck.

want to retire

I pray none of you have to endure what I've had to endure, just to come back to work and be punished some more by being the on the bottom. Talk about salt in the wound. I have lost my christmas spirit. You people suck.

Let's take a deep breath.....shall we? All worked up over some speculation from a couple of people? BTW-what does your contract say about all of this? There is a defined process...right?
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Well-Known Member
My personal opinion on injured employees and the bid process has nothing to do with menotyou's situation. If I were injured I would expect the company to hold my route for me for the balance of the current bid cycle and for the next full bid cycle; beyond that, I would only expect the company to hold a FT position for me upon my return and then allow me to bid based on my seniority in the next bid cycle.

Let's say I get injured next week and will be out of work for an indefinite period of time. Our next bid cycle is Feb 2013. My route would be covered by a casual for the balance of our current bid cycle. I would be allowed to bid based on my seniority in Feb. and the route that I bid would be covered by a casual until I am cleared to return. If this does not happen before Feb 2016 my bid options would then be limited to a FT bid cover position which I would fill upon my return. I would then be allowed to bid based on my seniority in Feb. 2019.


The Nim
I certainly view things differently than a lot of people here, I know what the system is now, and know it's probably not going to change. So at this point it's just a disagreement of how we think things should be done with nothing changed in the end.

Say what you want, call me what you want. That's fine. I assumed I'd engage in some civil discussion over differing views but it's obvious I'm ruffling feathers. No sense for me to keep going in this thread. Merry Christmas.

serenity now

Say what you want, call me what you want. That's fine. I assumed I'd engage in some civil discussion over differing views but it's obvious I'm ruffling feathers. No sense for me to keep going in this thread. Merry Christmas.

live to fight another day


bella amicizia
Let's take a deep breath.....shall we? All worked up over some speculation from a couple of people? BTW-what does your contract say about all of this? There is a defined process...right?
My contract states it's my job. No matter what some pt'er or some ft'er thinks. Yet, they think they can comment on what I should have to go through when I get back to work.

Do you know how many times I am asked if I am going to make is back by all sorts of people. Some, just straight up jealous who don't even work for UPS. It astounds me how many people get pure joy out of others pain. I deal with it at home every day. I deal with it at therapy every day. I deal with it at the job, from the pt'ers who are drooling at the chance I won't make it back.

I scratch, claw, and fight every day to get back to the job the will bring my independence that I so desperately desire. I have had a surgery that most wouldn't do. 99% would have taken the settlement and moved on. I endure pain that I can't even explain everyday. I will for the rest of my life. It is because of the injury.

Practically everyday, I fight NY and UPS over some BS that is so pointless and meaningless, that the frustration level is unbearable. I can't tell you how hard this process is. All to come on here on, of all days Christmas, to get more salt in the wound.

I know. I know. It's my fault for getting offended. I know. I know. It's my fault for looking at this thread. I know. I know. It's my fault for logging on to BC. I know. I know. It's my fault for getting injured. I know. I know. It's my fault. I know. I know.

serenity now

My contract states it's my job. No matter what some pt'er or some ft'er thinks. Yet, they think they can comment on what I should have to go through when I get back to work.

Do you know how many times I am asked if I am going to make is back by all sorts of people. Some, just straight up jealous who don't even work for UPS. It astounds me how many people get pure joy out of others pain. I deal with it at home every day. I deal with it at therapy every day. I deal with it at the job, from the pt'ers who are drooling at the chance I won't make it back.

I scratch, claw, and fight every day to get back to the job the will bring my independence that I so desperately desire. I have had a surgery that most wouldn't do. 99% would have taken the settlement and moved on. I endure pain that I can't even explain everyday. I will for the rest of my life. It is because of the injury.

Practically everyday, I fight NY and UPS over some BS that is so pointless and meaningless, that the frustration level is unbearable. I can't tell you how hard this process is. All to come on here on, of all days Christmas, to get more salt in the wound.

I know. I know. It's my fault for getting offended. I know. I know. It's my fault for looking at this thread. I know. I know. It's my fault for logging on to BC. I know. I know. It's my fault for getting injured. I know. I know. It's my fault. I know. I know.

i believe you have the courage and inner strength to make it back * that said, i also sincerely hope that that you will be able to cope with the physical demands of the job at that future time * i really do *
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Well-Known Member
Menotyou is taking personal what is merely an opinion on my part. I think that injured employees should have their bid rights protected for the balance of the current bid cycle and the next full bid cycle. If they are unable to return by the end of that bid cycle they would be assigned the FT bid cover position in the following bid cycle with the right to bid based on seniority on the bid cycle to follow that one if they have returned to work. You would not lose your job over an injury; however, is it fair for you to keep your bid route while out for an extended (3+ years) period of time?
My contract states it's my job. No matter what some pt'er or some ft'er thinks. Yet, they think they can comment on what I should have to go through when I get back to work.

Do you know how many times I am asked if I am going to make is back by all sorts of people. Some, just straight up jealous who don't even work for UPS. It astounds me how many people get pure joy out of others pain. I deal with it at home every day. I deal with it at therapy every day. I deal with it at the job, from the pt'ers who are drooling at the chance I won't make it back.

I scratch, claw, and fight every day to get back to the job the will bring my independence that I so desperately desire. I have had a surgery that most wouldn't do. 99% would have taken the settlement and moved on. I endure pain that I can't even explain everyday. I will for the rest of my life. It is because of the injury.

Practically everyday, I fight NY and UPS over some BS that is so pointless and meaningless, that the frustration level is unbearable. I can't tell you how hard this process is. All to come on here on, of all days Christmas, to get more salt in the wound.

I know. I know. It's my fault for getting offended. I know. I know. It's my fault for looking at this thread. I know. I know. It's my fault for logging on to BC. I know. I know. It's my fault for getting injured. I know. I know. It's my fault. I know. I know.
I know you are going to come back. Don't listen to these people some of them want you to be miserable because it makes them feel better about their own misery. You are a nice person and they are not.


bella amicizia
Menotyou is taking personal what is merely an opinion on my part. I think that injured employees should have their bid rights protected for the balance of the current bid cycle and the next full bid cycle. If they are unable to return by the end of that bid cycle they would be assigned the FT bid cover position in the following bid cycle with the right to bid based on seniority on the bid cycle to follow that one if they have returned to work. You would not lose your job over an injury; however, is it fair for you to keep your bid route while out for an extended (3+ years) period of time?
Was it planned on my part to be out 3+ years? Did I ask to be injured while working as directed in what appeared to be a somewhat safe, albeit wickedly overworked, position? As for me personally, if I worked in your center and these were the rules, it would affect me personally. I have had 3 different surgeries in the 3+ years I have been out. That doesn't count the one I had prior that didn't work for various reasons. The last surgery was recommended after discovering that the very first surgery didn't work. Is it fair for me to be penalized for all of this? That doesn't even take into consideration the pain and suffering and BS I have been put through. Just to come back and be on the bottom and get the worst route. Most likely the heaviest. That would be just wonderful for my freshly severed back. Thanks. Appreciate the same attitude from my co-workers that I get from the ties.

I take it personal as it would affect me personally. I know that no one else in life has ever done this.

Have a great day.


Well-Known Member
When you get bumped you have the option of bumping someone with less seniority.This also applies if they break your route you can follow your work again if you have the seniority. Good luck and hopefully you have a strong steward and local


No It's not green grocer!
We had a driver injured on the job, was gone for more than two years. The company bid his route while he was gone and then bid the route of the driver that won the first bid. in all 4 moves were made. when the driver returned to work, he won his grievance and returned to his old route and all the subsequent moves were reverted back to the way they were prior to the first bid.

So you know though, we do not have annual, semi-annual or any other rebids. Once you bid a route your on it until you quit, get fired or bid onto another opening or job.

I believe it would be incredibly unfair to an injured person to take their route away while they are off on wok comp.