Going All The Way To The Supreme Court. Yea, Right.


Well-Known Member
Within an hour of Trump’s tweet, Republican Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania submitted the final briefing in his request to the Supreme Court to have the presidential election results in his state tossed out—along with, presumably, his own election. Within an hour of that filing, the Supreme Court rejected the appeal, which had been joined by dozens of other Republican members of Congress, in a one-line order with no noted dissents.

“The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied,” the order stated.

they may have their eye on a more comprehensive case coming from many different directions.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
"It's going to the Supreme Court. It's going to Supreme House"! That' s all we've heard from some of you guys, Well, it made it to SCOTUS and look what happened. It refused to hear another law suit from another bunch of Pennsylvania Republican sore losers. Threw it out of court with a one line denial. Good luck, Texas!
The Texas case is going directly to the Supreme Court and it's a matter of determining whether the 4 states followed their own laws as well as the U.S. Constitution. Heard tonight SCOTUS wants to hear arguments.
Any lawsuit filed between states can only be heard by the SCOTUS.
Currently it is 18 against 4.
This lawsuit involves 4 Secretaries of State , who had no authority to change or make election laws.
That right belongs to the legislation branch of each state.


Strength through joy
Who cares if he doesn't concede. The * will be gone 1/20 anyways.
You show look up the past histories of other presidents and how they handled the turning over of the White House.
Many never conceded.
One left the WH the night before to avoid the whole show.


Bad Moon Risen'
I believe the President has pretty much changed the party. The RINO-Country club types are out. You look at the down races, Trump did well. He also pulled in record amounts of former Dem voters. If not for the fraud massive influx of ballots in only 5 swing state counties, the President wins reelection.
Wrong. The only reason he got the number of votes he did was because his deplorables voted multiple times. Massive fraud on his side.