Going to training but not hired?

Hey guys! Quick question:

I applied for a driver position (yes, I know about the 7:1 thing and I took the shot in the dark to be an off-the-street hire) and went to the tour of the facility today at 10:55am. We heard about working for UPS for 35 mins and then interviews started. There were 8 of us there and the interviews were averaging 10 to 15 minutes. I did the interview and I felt super positive about it. So about 3:40pm I got called back by HR. He asked if I still had an interest in the job (obviously I did). He said they needed my SSN and DOB to start background checks which I provided him with. Then he asks if I am still able to go to the driver training out of town next week. You betcha. I got the option of having a hotel sunday night due to travel or if I wanted to drive down Monday morning. I chose the hotel for Sunday night because it's a long drive. He says that's fine and he'll call later and give me confirmation info.


But....what does this mean in terms of being hired? Are they going to run background while I do training and see if I can make the cut? My background is spotless so I'm not worried about that. What is the week long training like?

The reason I ask is that I currently work full time and I don't want to be the jerk employee that quits without giving any sort of notice. In your personal experiences is this whole scenario normal? Does it basically lead to employment?


Pineapple King
Why in the hell would you need a hotel room? I hope you don't think UPS is going to pay for it. You should be trained where you went for the interview.
The training is located in a large city 3.5 hours away and not only is UPS is paying for it, they're reimbursing me for mileage :). Did that get you a little upset or something?


Family Leave Fridays!!!
No, it doesn't upset us. They send all new hires, including seasonals -- which is likely what you'll be -- to Integrad (if you're in an Integrad location). We're just not certain what you're asking -- do you really think a company's going to pay the expenses of training you, especially when they're putting you up & feeding you, but not hiring you? Kinda looks like you're on here to brag... good luck during the season. Hopefully you'll do well, there's a permanent job & you'll get it.


It sounds like they are hiring you as long as you make it through the class. There were 2-3 drivers in my class that dropped out three days in so as long as you pass the class you will be hired as at least a seasonal driver until you make seniority.


Well-Known Member
Hey, if you're getting to go to driving school, that's a plus! They won't even waste a penny on you until they get that background check back. You'll think they forgot about you. I just got back from school in louisville. They said that the spaces were full at integrad. Well, don't expect you're reimbursement check the following week! Still waiting on mine! As for getting to drive, don't get in a hurry with that either. You're like me, food for plankton! They'll use you about Christmas time.
No, it doesn't upset us. They send all new hires, including seasonals -- which is likely what you'll be -- to Integrad (if you're in an Integrad location). We're just not certain what you're asking -- do you really think a company's going to pay the expenses of training you, especially when they're putting you up & feeding you, but not hiring you? Kinda looks like you're on here to brag... good luck during the season. Hopefully you'll do well, there's a permanent job & you'll get it.

No, I'm not trying to brag. It would not benefit me to do so, especially as a n00b and an off-the-street hire which I already know comes with a lot of contention with co-workers since so many people spend a lot of time as package handlers and presort waiting to get a driver position. In addition, it was explicitly stated to us during the tour that it is not a temp, PT, or seasonal position. It's FT. The reason for my original post is because I've had several jobs in the past involving off site training. I've NEVER had one that sends people there before formally hiring them (W-9s and other paperwork, etc). It's an unusual situation and I was curious if anyone else had been in this scenario. As I originally stated, I do have a job and it would be nice to know where I stand in the hiring process with regard to giving notice to my current employer...

Didn't realize I'd ruffle so many feathers, but at least now I know what to expect...


Well-Known Member
No, I'm not trying to brag. It would not benefit me to do so, especially as a n00b and an off-the-street hire which I already know comes with a lot of contention with co-workers since so many people spend a lot of time as package handlers and presort waiting to get a driver position. In addition, it was explicitly stated to us during the tour that it is not a temp, PT, or seasonal position. It's FT. The reason for my original post is because I've had several jobs in the past involving off site training. I've NEVER had one that sends people there before formally hiring them (W-9s and other paperwork, etc). It's an unusual situation and I was curious if anyone else had been in this scenario. As I originally stated, I do have a job and it would be nice to know where I stand in the hiring process with regard to giving notice to my current employer...

Didn't realize I'd ruffle so many feathers, but at least now I know what to expect...
sounds like they're in a hurry to get you trained.


Well-Known Member
is ur school located near chicago or in maryland? if so u are going to integrad, its right next to stalingrad and its kind of like the gulag except they feed you better lol!!!! its tough, lots of information to memorize, lots of tests, its nerve wracking, but if u make it through (if u were hired on to fill a permanent position) depending on where u live its either 30 days or 40 days to prove yourself and become a permanent full time driver. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah! I hear its not to be taken lightly. I've been driving Sat Air and seasonal and I think that will be a whole new experience for me.
is ur school located near chicago or in maryland? if so u are going to integrad, its right next to stalingrad and its kind of like the gulag except they feed you better lol!!!! its tough, lots of information to memorize, lots of tests, its nerve wracking, but if u make it through (if u were hired on to fill a permanent position) depending on where u live its either 30 days or 40 days to prove yourself and become a permanent full time driver. good luck!

Not even close to Chicago or Maryland. I don't mind tests or anything. Everyone here is speaking like it's worse than basic training in the military. What makes it so bad? Basic isn't even that bad, especially considering it's 9 weeks instead of 5 days...


Well-Known Member
ur not going to integrad then. it gets compared to boot camp because it is insane lol, they make sure ur uniform is completely ironed and creased, fresh shave, boots are shining etc etc, plus the driving tests they subject u to are hard as hell. don't worry u wont have integrad it wont be as hard as, u should be all good!!
ur not going to integrad then. it gets compared to boot camp because it is insane lol, they make sure ur uniform is completely ironed and creased, fresh shave, boots are shining etc etc, plus the driving tests they subject u to are hard as hell. don't worry u wont have integrad it wont be as hard as, u should be all good!!

Yeah been there, done that when it comes to uniforms and shining boots!!!
Thanks a bunch for your input. It's much appreciated!

serenity now

Not even close to Chicago or Maryland. I don't mind tests or anything. Everyone here is speaking like it's worse than basic training in the military. What makes it so bad? Basic isn't even that bad, especially considering it's 9 weeks instead of 5 days...

so you've been through military basic training?