Good Grief!!! Sticker added to front of Diad..


Well-Known Member
Ok I think it is taking it way too far when you have a rather large sticker put on the front of your diad saying ENTER LUNCH..

It was bad enough with all of the messages but that is too much.. I peeled mine off right after it got put on.. They just went and got another one.. It will fall off again first thing in the morning..:nono2:


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
What a stupid idea. What will a customer signing for a delivery think about this? It makes the Driver look like they are too stupid to remember to eat lunch.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should change their name to:

United Pre-School

They have not gone the sticker route here yet as we are 100% on entering lunches but, if they do, mine will also "fall off".


Well-Known Member
you notice it doesn't say to actually take lunch. :punk:

Seriously, can you name another fortune 500 company that needs to stoop this low?

I like my job at UPS and respect them as a company, but to put a sticker on the DIAD for the entire public to see is beyond comprehension. Our cunstomers are going to ask "why is that sticker there, are you going to forget to eat?" This is going to force you to explain to them
the entire "drivers working through their lunch" story and how it benefits the company.

If what you are saying is true(I have my doubts), shame on UPS.


Well-Known Member
Why would I make up such a story... I am not sure our center manager is aware of the stickers being put on.. they were made or ordered by the night pt sup who was tired of being the cop of lunch entry..
I told her that was not staying on my board.. took it off and she slapped another one on.. most of the other drivers were in and the stickers were on all of the diads.. have to wait and see if the center manager approves of this new sticker.. I am removing it or helping it fall off..


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
why would u enter a lunch if u actually did not take one

So your bosses report will look good. This is one of those cases where its alright to falsify records. Since you donate an hour to the company doing charity work, you don't get in trouble. An hour of OT X 250 working days equals an over $10,000 donation to the company a year.


I don't know what to say about this stupidity.
I hope corporate is reading this thread.
I try and be a professional at my job and should be held accountable for my actions, but, to have a sticker telling the whole world I am a dumb$#!+ and that can't even remember to take time to eat during the day, blows my ever loving mind.
Where are these freaks coming from?


Retired 23 years
What a neat excuse for being over allowed.

center manager - Why were you an hour over yesterday?

Driver- Because I had to take the time to explaine to every friggin customer why it says "Enter Lunch" on my DIAD.

Why don't you peel it off when you leave the building - take your own sweet time delivering- and then put it back on before you get back to the building. --------- walla--built in excuse:wink2: I bet they would abandon that STUPID idea in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
I agree...They are getting overly obsessive about entering lunch time....Eventually here's what will happen, When you go to punch out the DIAD screen will alert you and ask you if you properly entered lunch time before letting you punch out... Lol :smart:


Well-Known Member
Ok I think it is taking it way too far when you have a rather large sticker put on the front of your diad saying ENTER LUNCH..

It was bad enough with all of the messages but that is too much.. I peeled mine off right after it got put on.. They just went and got another one.. It will fall off again first thing in the morning..:nono2:

My sticker once read, If wet, don't try to dry with tissue before signing.


Well-Known Member
Why would I make up such a story... I am not sure our center manager is aware of the stickers being put on.. they were made or ordered by the night pt sup who was tired of being the cop of lunch entry..
I told her that was not staying on my board.. took it off and she slapped another one on.. most of the other drivers were in and the stickers were on all of the diads.. have to wait and see if the center manager approves of this new sticker.. I am removing it or helping it fall off..

I didn't mean any disrespect doubting your post about the sticker. I just can't imagine in any way or any company doing this. That's UPS for you I guess. Again, I apologize,