Good Lord

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I have nothing against the rich. I think everyone dreams of becoming rich someday , including me. But honestly right now I would be happy just being able to make ends meet and be rewarded for my hard work instead being told the company is not profiting enough for the stockholders so we need to cut your benefits and pay. Oh and by the way we need you to bust your ass even more. And one more thing, be happy you have a job. It's this culture of **** on the bottom to get to the top that has to stop. Of course the rich pay most of the taxes that's simple math. But the percentage of their total income is less than the average middle class family because of all the loopholes they take advantage of . I say if a company threatens to go overseas with their operation that is the most un American thing they can do. And I don't buy the notion that they can't do here. Apple the richest company in the world is that rich because their products are made overseas using cheap labor and then marked up exuberantly for the US market. So no, I don't feel one bit sorry for the wealthy.

I applaud your patriotic posturing, funny as it is.

The United States cannot doesn't have the ability to do what is done in China, using Apple as an example. When Apple decided to get into the phone business, it estimated that it needed (among many other people) nearly 9000 engineers to cover all parts of the manufacturing process. To get that many qualified engineers would have taken Apple upwards of 9 months had they looked for them here. It took them 2 weeks to find them in China. Their Chinese partners have also shown flexibility and an ability to adapt to last minute design changes that can't be found anywhere else.

Others have remarked that Asian firms will have a working model of your product design before domestic companies have figured out what needs to be done with it.

It's a new world. Time for you to wake up.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Shouldn't all you Fedex people be against taxing the rich?Aren't most of your customers wealthy?Tax them and they will stop using Fedex.They already are paying the most.Lets tax them some more!!!! That will get the economy going!! Tax them,they will just fire people to make up the difference.

Shhhh! We already have enough people here who want the company to suffer so much that they lose their own jobs, at which point they can blame the company for getting rid of them.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The same reasoning as the republicans have for taking from the middle class and poor. To help pay down the national debt.
Do you really think giving more tax breaks to the rich that they will turn around and be so generous to invest that money into the economy and " create jobs"? I think we have been down that road before and it doesn't work.

Whoa, partner. Put down the trickle-down straw man. Those tax cuts worked (you can look it up) because they precipitated a large influx of capital into the private sector economy. Rich people, when they have money sitting around, look for ways to make it work for them. I think we all know this. Well, all but one of us.

I don't know what formal economic education you've have (I'm guessing none), but whoever taught you that taking capital out of the economy is a smart thing to should be fired, starved, beaten, and stomped on. Your premise makes no sense at all in any scenario.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
He won and now Wall Street has some ass kissing to do. Obama's gonna work with them and they will like it because to fight each other will destroy them both.

Wall Street will win. Wall Street always wins against the government because Wall Street understands business and finance and the government doesn't. Whatever the government imposes upon Wall Street, Wall Street will find a way to make money from it or despite it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The GOP cares about 4 dead Americans in Benghazi the same way Democrats care about Bush sitting with a bunch of kids for 7 minutes, doing nothing, after hearing of the attack on the twin towers. What do you expect from a guy who went into office as a convicted felon, started a war with the wrong country, spent all the surplus, bankrupted the treasury, cut healthcare benefits for war veterans, is an alcoholic, a cocaine abuser and a draft dodger via the national guard(Canada for rich kids)thanks to his daddys connections. Worse President Ever...EVER.

Aww, poor baby. The only cocaine user we've had in the White House is the one who's in it now.

Bush waited for SEVEN WHOLE MINUTES? This is the same Bush that your side said was a cowboy who shot first and asked questions later.

There was no surplus.

Bush increased vets' health care benefits.

You're not very smart.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Somehow Fox Limbaugh has convinced their followers to Worship Millionaires. Its like watching a 12 year old girl gush over Justin Bieber." Look dear, he's has 5 homes and his own golf course in his back yard". "I'm almost 50, but we'll be wealthier than him one day". So they vote against their own interest in order to help millionaires who don't need helping. Any tax of any type on millionaires and the 50k, or less, earners take to the streets with their "Obama is a Socialist" signs (Heath ledger RIP). And when you ask them," Why are you against millionaire taxes?" They regurgitate the same line about how the "Job creators" won't create jobs.

We hit them with a luxury goods tax, which in theory didn't cost the common guy a nickel and would generate $31 million to the government annually.

In practice, it caused the loss of well over 100,000 jobs. It is debatable as to whether the government broke even due to lost tax revenue from the workers who lost their jobs, the unemployment claims that were paid to them, and the revenue lost as rich people purchased alternative goods not covered by the tax.

During Clinton's era, the wealthy were taxed little over 40 pct. The economy was doing very well. About 23 million new jobs created. Taxes are at their lowest for millionaires and the economy is in the tank.

Taxes are at their lowest for the lower class and the economy is in the tank. I think we should raise their taxes instead. If you're going to allege that higher taxes stimulate economic growth --and I'd LOVE to hear how that's supposed to work-- then we should start with those who pay the least, if not those who pay none at all.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I'm sorry but that logic just doesn't make sense. Most of these companies that have shipped jobs over seas are reaping huge profits ie Apple. They don't need incentives just willing to accept a lower profit margin. If most working class Americans have to accept lower wages and benefits as a result of a down economy including ourselves , then why not corporate America? What makes them immune from a little sacrifice for the better of our country? Just think how many jobs would be created if American companies would actually produce American products in the US for American citizens. What a novel concept.

That's a ridiculous idea. It makes as much sense as destroying a machine so that 5 other people can take its place in the process.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
What most anti union people don't realize is that they wouldn't have the wages, benefits, and protections that they now have if unions did not exist. What do you think FedEx would be paying us if they didn't have to somewhat compete with UPS union wages? Probably min wage.

You're talking silly. The turnover would be far too high at minimum wage because there is competition for far easier jobs that pay better than minimum wage.


What most anti union people don't realize is that they wouldn't have the wages, benefits, and protections that they now have if unions did not exist. What do you think FedEx would be paying us if they didn't have to somewhat compete with UPS union wages? Probably min wage.

You're talking silly. The turnover would be far too high at minimum wage because there is competition for far easier jobs that pay better than minimum wage.

All hail king Dano, defender of the rich , white, republican. They need more people like you next election. You can crucify the average hard working American all you want. But we built this country are the backbone of it and far outnumber you and your ilk . You found that out 4 years ago and again this election. So keep belittling us, we love it. Just fires us up more.


What most anti union people don't realize is that they wouldn't have the wages, benefits, and protections that they now have if unions did not exist. What do you think FedEx would be paying us if they didn't have to somewhat compete with UPS union wages? Probably min wage.

You're talking silly. The turnover would be far too high at minimum wage because there is competition for far easier jobs that pay better than minimum wage.

Obviously you didn't get what I was saying. If unions did not exist wages and benefits across the board would be low. They have fought for wages, benefits, and better working conditions which have benefited everyone union or not.


Well-Known Member
Aww, poor baby. The only cocaine user we've had in the White House is the one who's in it now.

Bush waited for SEVEN WHOLE MINUTES? This is the same Bush that your side said was a cowboy who shot first and asked questions later.

There was no surplus.

Bush increased vets' health care benefits.

You're not very smart.

Convicted felon
Convicted felon
convicted felon
convicted felon


The GOP cares about 4 dead Americans in Benghazi the same way Democrats care about Bush sitting with a bunch of kids for 7 minutes, doing nothing, after hearing of the attack on the twin towers. What do you expect from a guy who went into office as a convicted felon, started a war with the wrong country, spent all the surplus, bankrupted the treasury, cut healthcare benefits for war veterans, is an alcoholic, a cocaine abuser and a draft dodger via the national guard(Canada for rich kids)thanks to his daddys connections. Worse President Ever...EVER.

Aww, poor baby. The only cocaine user we've had in the White House is the one who's in it now.

Bush waited for SEVEN WHOLE MINUTES? This is the same Bush that your side said was a cowboy who shot first and asked questions later.

There was no surplus.

Bush increased vets' health care benefits.

You're not very smart.

I guess you are just smarter than everyone that doesn't agree with you or you are just trying to over compensate for something that you are lacking. You are a sore loser just like your candidate. Keep the bull**** going. I enjoy reading the propaganda that you spew . It obviously didn't work buddy.


Well-Known Member
Aww, poor baby. The only cocaine user we've had in the White House is the one who's in it now.
George W. Bush substance abuse controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone should check the sources and draw their own conclusions.


Well-Known Member
George W. Bush substance abuse controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everyone should check the sources and draw their own conclusions.

I havent read this nor do I care to, but fyi Wikipedia is about as good a source for reliable info as FOX news. Anyone can go in and alter any Wiki page so that is says what he/she wants it to say.


Well-Known Member
I havent read this nor do I care to, but fyi Wikipedia is about as good a source for reliable info as FOX news. Anyone can go in and alter any Wiki page so that is says what he/she wants it to say.
Which is why, like any good term paper, they cite their sources at the bottom of the page which you can check. Fox has no such contingency. This was why I said "everyone should check the sources and draw their own conclusions".


Well-Known Member
I havent read this nor do I care to, but fyi Wikipedia is about as good a source for reliable info as FOX news. Anyone can go in and alter any Wiki page so that is says what he/she wants it to say.

People who say this almost never watch FOX News in my experience. I suppose the Benghazi terrorist attack never happened, huh? Petreaus just testified that the info sent to the White House clearly stated it was an Al-Qaeda terrorist attack but the final draft had all references to Al-Qaeda struck out by someone in the White House. They had the U.N. Ambassador go on 5 shows and say it was a spontaneous demonstration due to a video mocking Mohammed on the Internet. But under sworn testimony the people involved are denying this. So what you say? The Ambassador had repeatedly asked for more security and was denied. A number of violent incidents had already occurred, causing the British and the Red Cross to pull out of Benghazi. It was also said that the President told the military to assist in any way possible during the attack that got the Ambassador killed. Generals have testified at the hearings that they received no such order and a Presidential order to the military HAS to be signed by the President, and no such signed order exists. Bottom line, the administration bungled the security so badly it got people killed and, most likely due to the election, they covered that up. Al-Qaeda attacked a U.S. consulate on 9/11/2012 after the Obama Administration was saying that Al-Qaeda was on the run. And guess who is covering it...why of course, FOX News. This makes Watergate look like shoplifting and yet the liberal press has done everything possible to cover for Obama to get him reelected. I certainly see why liberals hate FOX News, they shed light on situations the liberals want to make go away. Obviously FOX wants to put out negative news about the administration, they have fundamental differences with Obama's view of the world. But the American people deserve to know when our government screws up. It keeps the gov't much more responsible and transparent. If ALL the press reported the bad as well as the good it's highly unlikely the gov't would take it's responsibility to protect it's citizens so lightly and recklessly. Go ahead, scream it's untrue, Dems are the good guys, Repubs bad but someone needs to be held accountable for lying to the American people and getting people killed.


Well-Known Member
"Weapons of Mass Destruction" was the excuse used to commence war on Iraq. This lie has resulted in over 4,000 US service men and women dead, some say over 100,000 Iraqis dead, Dick Cheney and his company profiting from it, yet the GOP can't sleep at night because there's 4 dead in Benghazi. Disingenuous doesn't begin to describe Fox followers as they use these 4 dead as if they were a fat, infatuated, intern. Try as they may to pin this on, in their eyes, the most hated man in the world, it shall pass.


Staff member
GOP's Benghazi Conspiracy Falls Apart: White House Didn't Change Susan Rice's Talking Points | ThinkProgress

You see, van, you only tell part of what was said in sworn testimony. You cite General Petreaus in saying that he they knew it was terrorism, but leave out the bit when he says that none of the decisions made were political in nature. You say that the White House made the decision on the talking points, but that has not been established. Fact is, we don't know what happened. That's why they are investigating. That's why some on the right want "Watergate style investigations". And yet look how you come on here making such one-sided, politicized, and questionable conclusions.