Have a Warning Letter?


Well-Known Member
According to a HR rep today, yes, you can apply for a transfer with a warning letter, but you won't actually be able to transfer! This came up because I had asked my mgr if the new policy allowing those with warning letters to transfer applied to me. I got penalized for withdrawing from a signed offer letter last March. The penalty was one year until I can start applying again. Mgr said he didn't see why I couldn't apply. And I did, seeing a place I always wanted to live in. He verified my eligibility, and I came in 3rd. I noticed Thursday my status had been changed back to "not verified". Was told I had to wait one full year. Which lead to talking to HR rep. I pointed out that it was crazy that those who had done something bad enough to get a warning letter were being allowed to transfer but I couldn't. That's when he said they were being allowed to apply, but as soon as hiring mgrs saw they had warning letter they were being rejected. No one with warning letters were being allowed to transfer, period! As for me, there was a job posted with a waiver today, but he said I wasn't allowed to apply no matter what. So there you are. I'm beginning to feel like an indentured servant.


Well-Known Member
Did you ask massuh if'n yous could maybe get a break? That is so freaking typical... Let's say one thing, then mean another. You'd almost think that a bunch of angry women (no offense to any of the ladies, but when most of you are angry, you make no sense..and for lumping you in with Freddy's crack management pyramid) ran the policy office.


Well-Known Member
Did you ask massuh if'n yous could maybe get a break? That is so freaking typical... Let's say one thing, then mean another. You'd almost think that a bunch of angry women (no offense to any of the ladies, but when most of you are angry, you make no sense..and for lumping you in with Freddy's crack management pyramid) ran the policy office.

It's like they'll say anything to cover for management.


Well-Known Member
Could the policy change have been a CYA type of thing?

He was giving alot of doublespeak, not sure. But one of our mgrs told me this morning that the announcement she read several weeks ago said that those with warning letters would be allowed to transfer. What's the point of being allowed to apply, but not allowed to actually get the job?


Engorged Member
He was giving alot of doublespeak, not sure. But one of our mgrs told me this morning that the announcement she read several weeks ago said that those with warning letters would be allowed to transfer. What's the point of being allowed to apply, but not allowed to actually get the job?

Go into JCATS 2 and there is a paragraph explaining that warning letters are off the table.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why any manager would let someone "get" their hopes up, all the while knowing that the transfer would be a complete waste of the courier's precious time.This ethic and practice is not a good example of the PSP philosophy! I also must chime in, that VanTexan happens to be a very hard and honest worker. With practices like this, I am glad I am on my way out the door.


Just telling it like it is
What a bunch of BS.

And it all boils down to this lying to couriers philosophy that Memphis programs it's managers to do.

It's a wonder that any of these managers can sleep at night.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why any manager would let someone "get" their hopes up, all the while knowing that the transfer would be a complete waste of the courier's precious time.This ethic and practice is not a good example of the PSP philosophy! I also must chime in, that VanTexan happens to be a very hard and honest worker. With practices like this, I am glad I am on my way out the door.

Happy workers are productive workers....or Freddy's version, MISLEAD workers are happy workers.


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of BS.

And it all boils down to this lying to couriers philosophy that Memphis programs it's managers to do.

It's a wonder that any of these managers can sleep at night.

It's called Ambien my brother, or maybe Lunesta, but since I think they have our health plan, it's most likely Equate Sleep Aid, since Uncle Freddy likes to "keep Americans working" at his anti-union sister-ship, WalMart.


Well-Known Member
Man, this is DOUBLE BS ! I knew this was the game they were going to play with this so called "Policy Change" ! They let you apply, but won't let you go ! Its all a big game !


Well-Known Member
Van: what you have is not a what fedex considers a "warning letter", if you decline an signed offer the rule
is one year wait. Because they don't want the system filled with people who bid, and then decline, I imagine
it could be pain in the rear for managers to continually send out offer letters, imagine 5-6 people doing what
you did on the same bid you are looking at a 6 week wait at least until they get to someone who really "wants" the job.
I believe the "warning letter" rule is regarding accidents and such, most of the time these were waived, so they got "rid" of the rule.


Well-Known Member
Van: what you have is not a what fedex considers a "warning letter", if you decline an signed offer the rule
is one year wait. Because they don't want the system filled with people who bid, and then decline, I imagine
it could be pain in the rear for managers to continually send out offer letters, imagine 5-6 people doing what
you did on the same bid you are looking at a 6 week wait at least until they get to someone who really "wants" the job.
I believe the "warning letter" rule is regarding accidents and such, most of the time these were waived, so they got "rid" of the rule.

Oh yes, I know. I only asked if since people with warning letters were being allowed to apply Sept 1st would I be eligible also. Was told yes, had JCATS application approved by mgr, then rescinded about a week later. I pointed out to HR that as there was nothing in JCATS that said I would be penalized a year after withdrawing from a signed offer letter the whole thing is a big "gotcha". Especially when your mgr claims he asked HR I could withdraw and said there may be a penalty involved, but claimed didn't know what the penalty was. I was later told by HR that everyone knows that, it's common knowledge! You should have seen her face when I told her my mgr, an experienced hiring mgr, claimed he didn't know. By the way one time before he claimed he had talked to HR about question I had and later he admitted he didn't actually ask them. And I guess they've decided it might be in their best interest to inform JCATS applicants about the one year penalty. As of 9/30, after our meeting, it's posted by our computer. Doesn't help this second class citizen.