Hilary Clinton


Inordinately Right
I have 1.


Well-Known Member
"Former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader predicted Friday that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton will win the general election "by dictatorship."

"She's going to win by dictatorship. Twenty-five percent of superdelegates are cronies, mostly. They weren't elected. They were there in order to stop somebody like Bernie Sanders, who would win by the vote," the five-time presidential candidate told U.S. News, adding that believes Mrs. Clinton is a "corporatist, militarist Democrat."

Ralph Nader: Hillary Clinton will ‘win by dictatorship’

dirty system


golden ticket member
Hillary Clinton admitted she misspoke after telling West Virginians she was going to put the coal mines out of business. Last week she said joining a gang is like joining a family. Hillary has made so many gaffes on the campaign trail that her new Secret Service code name is Joe Biden. -Argus Hamilton-


Well-Known Member


Or , thank you republicans!! Keep the money flowing!

bill clinton was the democrat who raised corporate dollars on parity with republicans. obama was teh first one to raise more. dialing for dollars. democrats sold out long time ago...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
bill clinton was the democrat who raised corporate dollars on parity with republicans. obama was teh first one to raise more. dialing for dollars. democrats sold out long time ago...

Give it up already RickyB.

You are not even close to reality on issues. Clinton raised money using the laws on the books, the GOP tried to limit the number of political dollars floating into the system, since Bill Clinton was able to court foreign money and out fund raise the GOP. It worked, but president Obama was able to out fund raise McCain with private donors versus corporate or foreign investors.

Citizens United allowed not only large private donors to seek favor from candidates, it also opened the door to foreign donors and Hillary is taking advantage of that.

She will ultimately out fund raise Trump, who doesnt have the money to compete in the general election. He is now seeking repayment of his "loans" to his campaign from the GOP, and he is praying that the GOP will fund his campaign in the general which will need at least 1 billion dollars to compete thanks to Citizens United.

The sell outs, are both parties, and the idiots are the people that believe that candidates have their best interests at heart.

Until citizens united is overturned, there will never be a regular person running for the presidency. It will always be rich disconnected people with cash and the power to get cash.
