Hit By An Underinsured Motorist


New Member
Curious if anyone has had a similar situation here....

16 months ago my husband was hit on a highway driving back to the warehouse. The guy totaled their car going 70 mph into his truck. Then left the scene of the accident. My husband was very injured. 1.5 yrs of neck procedures led up to a $150k neck fusion surgery this past week. He hasn't been able to work in months and cannot go back to work for 2-3 more months.

Initially, we were told his lawyers were planning to go after 10x his medical bills which would be over 2 million. Now we're being told the person at fault only had insurance with a 25k policy limit! He's lost more than that in income. Does UPS carry under-insured drivers protection for their drivers? Struggling to figure anything out on our own & the lawyer hasn't returned our call.

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
Just because the driver has a 25k limit doesn’t stop you from suing him for more than that. That’s just what his insurance company will pay for him. Take his car, take everything not nailed down in the house, then take his house too. Garnish his wages and his tax returns.


Retired 23 years
Curious if anyone has had a similar situation here....

16 months ago my husband was hit on a highway driving back to the warehouse. The guy totaled their car going 70 mph into his truck. Then left the scene of the accident. My husband was very injured. 1.5 yrs of neck procedures led up to a $150k neck fusion surgery this past week. He hasn't been able to work in months and cannot go back to work for 2-3 more months.

Initially, we were told his lawyers were planning to go after 10x his medical bills which would be over 2 million. Now we're being told the person at fault only had insurance with a 25k policy limit! He's lost more than that in income. Does UPS carry under-insured drivers protection for their drivers? Struggling to figure anything out on our own & the lawyer hasn't returned our call.
What does your insurance company have to say about the situation? You should be covered by "no fault insurance" -- up to a certain dollar amount> .


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Curious if anyone has had a similar situation here....

16 months ago my husband was hit on a highway driving back to the warehouse. The guy totaled their car going 70 mph into his truck. Then left the scene of the accident. My husband was very injured. 1.5 yrs of neck procedures led up to a $150k neck fusion surgery this past week. He hasn't been able to work in months and cannot go back to work for 2-3 more months.

Initially, we were told his lawyers were planning to go after 10x his medical bills which would be over 2 million. Now we're being told the person at fault only had insurance with a 25k policy limit! He's lost more than that in income. Does UPS carry under-insured drivers protection for their drivers? Struggling to figure anything out on our own & the lawyer hasn't returned our call.
Is he a RPCD?


Lunch is the best part of the day
Curious if anyone has had a similar situation here....

16 months ago my husband was hit on a highway driving back to the warehouse. The guy totaled their car going 70 mph into his truck. Then left the scene of the accident. My husband was very injured. 1.5 yrs of neck procedures led up to a $150k neck fusion surgery this past week. He hasn't been able to work in months and cannot go back to work for 2-3 more months.

Initially, we were told his lawyers were planning to go after 10x his medical bills which would be over 2 million. Now we're being told the person at fault only had insurance with a 25k policy limit! He's lost more than that in income. Does UPS carry under-insured drivers protection for their drivers? Struggling to figure anything out on our own & the lawyer hasn't returned our call.
Was your husband hurt on the clock at work? If so you should be working with the union and the business agent to sue ups and be made whole.

If your husband was hurt in his personal vehicle outside of work you have to have underinsured coverage on your personal vehicle coverage. And sue the driver


Threads like this are all over reddit. Some dope gets hurt via an accident and they expect to sit back and have their hand held through the legal process. You should have been more proactive in figuring out what the process is to get your money and not go bankrupt while sitting back and hoping insurance will take care of it.


nowhere special
Threads like this are all over reddit. Some dope gets hurt via an accident and they expect to sit back and have their hand held through the legal process. You should have been more proactive in figuring out what the process is to get your money and not go bankrupt while sitting back and hoping insurance will take care of it.
People think they won the lottery when most of the time they will be lucky to get enough to buy a new car


Well-Known Member
Curious if anyone has had a similar situation here....

16 months ago my husband was hit on a highway driving back to the warehouse. The guy totaled their car going 70 mph into his truck. Then left the scene of the accident. My husband was very injured. 1.5 yrs of neck procedures led up to a $150k neck fusion surgery this past week. He hasn't been able to work in months and cannot go back to work for 2-3 more months. Initially, we were told his lawyers were planning to go after 10x his medical bills which would be over 2 million. Now we're being told the person at fault only had insurance with a 25k policy limit! He's lost more than that in income.
More details are needed specifically if the accident occurred on the clock or when he was on his way to work.

On-the-clock = workman's comp as an on the job injury. All medical bills will be covered by the employer's insurance---which will fight you tooth and nail and make life difficult every step of the way--Liberty Mutual is the worst. Unable to work because of injury will be covered by your state's workers comp laws which vary from state-to-state.

If it was on his way to work in his private vehicle: you are out of luck. This is an unfortunate lesson in insurance coverage....your own was lacking. And unfortunately, it will be an expensive lesson to learn.
Does UPS carry under-insured drivers protection for their drivers? Struggling to figure anything out on our own & the lawyer hasn't returned our call.
No. But this question makes me think this is a workman's comp issue---not a private insurance issue.

Sixth Punch Sense

Well-Known Member
Threads like this are all over reddit. Some dope gets hurt via an accident and they expect to sit back and have their hand held through the legal process. You should have been more proactive in figuring out what the process is to get your money and not go bankrupt while sitting back and hoping insurance will take care of it.


Don’t worry he’s friendly
Hurt in the clock means workman’s comp right?
Find yourself a new lawyer who will pursue. If a lawyer thinks they can make some real money on a case they will return your call.


New Member
Was your husband hurt on the clock at work? If so you should be working with the union and the business agent to sue ups and be made whole.

If your husband was hurt in his personal vehicle outside of work you have to have underinsured coverage on your personal vehicle coverage. And sue the driver
Yes, he was on a highway on his way back to the warehouse one evening. The driver of the car was 100% at fault. I doubt they have much to go after considering he was driving his gf's car and police said it smelled heavily of weed. I've wondered about going the route you mentioned too. He's just afraid of losing his job.


Lunch is the best part of the day
Yes, he was on a highway on his way back to the warehouse one evening. The driver of the car was 100% at fault. I doubt they have much to go after considering he was driving his gf's car and police said it smelled heavily of weed. I've wondered about going the route you mentioned too. He's just afraid of losing his job.
He will lose his job if he is unable to return to work. Your husband may never be able to work again. You need the union to help you. They help 100s of drivers every year with workers comp claims. They should be able to refer you to a lawyer and he will get your compensation from ups. They can also negotiate an ada accommodation job