How do you get fired for stealing?

Do they physically have to catch you? I'm asking because when an employee showed up to work today he was taken out in cuffs and rumors are it was for theft.


Package Car Whipping Boy
Do they physically have to catch you? I'm asking because when an employee showed up to work today he was taken out in cuffs and rumors are it was for theft.

dude if your stealing that is just wrong. nothing at UPS is worth taking and losing your job. Above all else you are making a customer of ours very unhappy by taking their stuff. I like my customers:happy-very: so keep them happy guys

The Blackadder

Are you not amused?
Do they physically have to catch you? I'm asking because when an employee showed up to work today he was taken out in cuffs and rumors are it was for theft.

If they took him out in cuffs its a good bet they had him on tape, if it is even UPS related.

It could be he was wanted for other crimes and the Cops just came to UPS to grab him.

We had a guy brusted at our building when I 1st started turns out he was dealing drugs and it had nothing to do with UPS they had gone to his home but he was not there, it was 4 am and he had left for work. SO the cops just came to get him at work.


Retired 23 years
I never witnessed anyone being taken out in cuffs but I have seen a few sups and center manager's escorted out in straightjackets.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
The last one I saw was a Preloader who was filmed stealing jewelry and cellphones. A lot of claims started showing up in a certain package car. The driver and preloader for that route where the first suspects. It turned out a preloader up the belt was taking packages inside a different package car and was filmed going through them. He got arrested and was led out in handcuffs in front of everybody right before our PCM to make a statement. Good riddence, I hate thieves.


Active Member
Theft is taking something that isn't yours.

If you are paranoid and believe in conspiracy theories, check your coat pockets before you leave the building. Dump out anything that isn't yours.


Nine Lives
Jones, you have to tell us more about this one. What would the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms want with a UPS clerk?

You made this post just to show that you knew what BATF acronym stood for didn't you? Just like Saturday driving ... you are a shameless self-promoting hussie! :rofl:


Well-Known Member
i worked with a lady who got taken out in handcuffs by two sheriffs,she was had nothing to do with work it was for something else,ups hired her back after peak,this goes to show the quality of people ups hires.


i worked with a lady who got taken out in handcuffs by two sheriffs,she was had nothing to do with work it was for something else,ups hired her back after peak,this goes to show the quality of people ups hires.

That's a bit presumptous. What if they confused her with Upstate and got the wrong woman?


Well-Known Member
i worked with a lady who got taken out in handcuffs by two sheriffs,she was had nothing to do with work it was for something else,ups hired her back after peak,this goes to show the quality of people ups hires.

You don't even know why she was arrested. Anyways those who live in glass houses should throw stones.


You [Upstate] made this post just to show that you knew what BATF acronym stood for didn't you? Just like Saturday driving ... you are a shameless self-promoting hussie! :rofl:

For a while now it's been the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

But they go by "ATF."

Check out their interesting website:

[I don't know everything; but I do know a lot.] :happy2: