How does one become a Steward?


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in becoming a Steward, how does one apply? I believe I can improve my brothers working environment. I'd be a great representative & protect and my brothers.

Loyal Teamster

Get involved with the union. If you become a steward. Follow four simple rules.

1) Never back down.
2) Never let up.
3) Never forget.
4) Never take no for an answer.
Eventually the answer will come back YES.


Well-Known Member
Get involved with the union. If you become a steward. Follow four simple rules.

1) Never back down.
2) Never let up.
3) Never forget.
4) Never take no for an answer.

Damn, Stink.
There is hope for you after all.
Excellent reply.

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
Get a copy of your by laws and learn the contract!

According to the bylaws in my area, you need to be a dues paying member in the local for 24 months in-order to be a steward. If deemed necessary, the board will still allow it, but there needs to be a legitimate reason.

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
I'm interested in becoming a Steward, how does one apply? I believe I can improve my brothers working environment. I'd be a great representative & protect and my brothers.

Loyal Teamster

Loyal Teamster, why is it that you would only protect your brothers? Are you like BB58, only different?

Loyal Teamster

Well-Known Member
Scenario: ups hero just got in trouble for smiling.

Center manger calls for a termination. He says nobody should be happy here at work. He also mentions that JAZZHANDS, I mean Dr. Jeckyl , sorry I meant Loyal Teamster will be representing you.
Ups hero says screw that I'll represent myself. .... But then decides ok I will take some help.

How do you represent your brother in trouble?

I'll pull out the UPS hero's contract. Ask management to specify violations. I'll also make a short presentation on how happy employees are more productive and better for business.

Loyal Teamster

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Scenario: ups hero just got in trouble for smiling.

Center manger calls for a termination. He says nobody should be happy here at work. He also mentions that JAZZHANDS, I mean Dr. Jeckyl , sorry I meant Loyal Teamster will be representing you.
Ups hero says screw that I'll represent myself. .... But then decides ok I will take some help.

How do you represent your brother in trouble?

I'll pull out the UPS hero's contract. Ask management to specify violations. I'll also make a short presentation on how happy employees are more productive and better for business.

Loyal Teamster

Allow me to suggest the use of a slide projector. Stronger points couldn't be made without. I see much potential in your future, padawan. Keep fighting the good fight.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
​But not as well as money ... say, in the form of a signing bonus.

The $20 per week before taxes kind, for sure. Honestly, who could resist the idea of a large Big Mac value meal as a bonus every week. Scott Davis would've done better to show up at Worldport and slapped every hourly in the mouth. At least, Louisville would feel some genuine sentiment from corporate.


I'll pull out the UPS hero's contract. Ask management to specify violations. I'll also make a short presentation on how happy employees are more productive and better for business.

Loyal Teamster

Wrong answer.

You do everything humanly possible to make sure the sort/center manager is removed from the Labor Manager's Christmas Card list, especially if this is a "shows up every day on time and does his job" type of guy.


Well-Known Member
Get involved with the union. If you become a steward. Follow four simple rules.

1) Never back down.
2) Never let up.
3) Never forget.
4) Never take no for an answer.
Eventually the answer will come back YES.

Excellent list; however, I would like to add these tips:

1. Not all grievances are valid.

2. The member is not always right.

3. It is not wrong to say "no" when a member makes an unreasonable request.

4. There is nothing wrong with working with management toward a solution that benefits everyone involved.


Well-Known Member
Excellent list; however, I would like to add these tips:

1. Not all grievances are valid.

2. The member is not always right.

3. It is not wrong to say "no" when a member makes an unreasonable request.

4. There is nothing wrong with working with management toward a solution that benefits everyone involved.

Jazz Hands, this is how you troll brown cafe. Take note.