How to get a Driver Fired?

It won't be easy to get us fired, but if th smoking bothers you, I recommend writing down a discription of the driver and his truck number. call 1-800-PICK-UPS & complain the smoke was getting into your car & you suffer from asthma. This will burn our ass a bit.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I respect all my Drivers and wish them the best success. But hypothetically speaking, how can I get a driver fired?

​Loyal Teamster
Get him to stab you. Like really really hard. And a lot of times. Some in the neck and groin too. He will be sure to lose his job.


Well-Known Member
Get caught blowing him in the back of the PC. Say that he made you do it. Try it works but you may have to do it more than once before a manager walks by.

LMAO, beer through the nose, wife thought I was choking to death...well played sir.


Well-Known Member
A loyal teamster doesn't try to find ways to get their brother fired.

Tell that to my Local Shop Steward who ratted me out and black mailed the Center Manager. At first I received a discharge but my hard work and reputation got it knocked down to three days off.