Hunter Biden is going DOWN!


Well-Known Member
Romney said he had not seen any evidence yet that Joe Biden, himself, had committed high crimes and misdemeanors — the threshold for impeachment of a president.

“I don’t see any evidence of that at all,” Romney said. “I think before you begin an impeachment inquiry, you ought to have some evidence, some inclination that there’s been wrongdoing. And so far, there’s nothing of that nature that’s been provided.”

“President Biden’s son, Hunter, has obviously been a very unsavory person and has had some extremely damaged personal foibles, including a drug habit and so forth,” Romney said. “That’s not President Biden. And we’re not going to impeach someone because of the sins of their kids.”


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Inordinately Right
There's pressure to do something. This congress has introduced the fewest full session bills in US history. 22 bills have been passed all year, the majority of which were renaming bridges, tunnels and libraries. There's a desperation to take something back to their constituates.
Least productive House in history.
Dysfunctional group of clowns.
I think they've passed one more bill than the least productive House. But they are a very lazy, America-hating bunch.
This is just a fundamental difference between conservatives and leftists.

Democrats are radical activists who seize power not granted to them by the law and just push through as much extremist trash as they possibly can.

I'm perfectly fine with Republicans not passing a bunch of garbage like Democrats do.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Conservatives HATE the general welfare clause. Why help society when you can just help the super rich?
Your logic fails. The General Welfare Clause is abused to benefit targeted classes of people.

It is just as wrong to benefit a particular group of people as it is the 'super rich'.

After all, the word general is defined as 'affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.'