I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
And that would’ve required me agreeing. There’s always two parties involved Ricky I realize that you don’t have any idea how loans and money actually work because you live in your mom and dad’s basement
no you dont have to agree. you dont even have to know a loan was made. you can find out when youre getting foreclosed on.

im not saying you, but this is what happened.


Well-Known Member
no you dont have to agree. you dont even have to know a loan was made. you can find out when youre getting foreclosed on.

im not saying you, but this is what happened.
There wasn’t a problem of them giving people loans that didn’t know they were getting them. The problem was people were getting loans they shouldn’t qualify for. No income no job.


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Hey @rickyb who doesn’t love public transportation?

you can pay for security / police. they could be good jobs.

omg new york is so corrupt. the gdp is over a trillion and yet the subway seats are all plastic wtf.

america has anger management problems / gun problem.


Well-Known Member
you can pay for security / police. they could be good jobs.

omg new york is so corrupt. the gdp is over a trillion and yet the subway seats are all plastic wtf.

america has anger management problems / gun problem.
Yeah, that security works great!!!



Well-Known Member
in 2011 the top 1% had 40% of the wealth

now 3 guys have 50% of the wealth of america.

worst inequality in US history. very bad for democracy. could be why youre about to lose it.

60% of americans living paycheck to paycheck. this is the future, it should be the opposite.