Idle time


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If you pull off by the side of the road to eat lunch, and idle for heat when its freezing outside...they will bitch about it.

If you break trace by a mile so that you can eat lunch indoors where it is warm...they will bitch about it.

Once you accept the fact that they are going to bitch at you regardless of what you do...your stress level will drop dramatically. All you have to do is pretend to care about what they are bitching about, listen to them with a serious and earnest look on your face, and say..."'I'll work on that." Kind of like they do when you complain to them about dispatch, load quality, problems with your trace, etc.


Retired 23 years
If you pull off by the side of the road to eat lunch, and idle for heat when its freezing outside...they will bitch about it.

If you break trace by a mile so that you can eat lunch indoors where it is warm...they will bitch about it.

Once you accept the fact that they are going to bitch at you regardless of what you do...your stress level will drop dramatically. All you have to do is pretend to care about what they are bitching about, listen to them with a serious and earnest look on your face, and say..."'I'll work on that." Kind of like they do when you complain to them about dispatch, load quality, problems with your trace, etc.[/QUOTE]

And that my friends is the secret of a long and successful career at UPS. "Pretend to care" and they will move on to someone else with their petty problems.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
They try this crap in feeders a lot. When I got stuck in a snowstorm, and had to park, no one said anything to me about running my tractor while I waited for a ride. I had nearly 300 minutes of idle time. Even if they would have, it would have fallen on deaf ears. When I first went driving in feeders, they said something about it to me. I asked him if I turned off my tractor while the weather was in single digits, was he going to turn off the heat in the feeder office too? He just laughed and walked off.

If you are in feeders, and care what UPS says about idle time in the winter, you should stand up for yourself, but if you don't, don't put your employee id in the IVIS until after you have hooked up and are ready to leave. For some drivers, that could over an hour. All of that time won't show up until after you put your id in the IVIS. So your idle time won't start until you are leaving.

But I wouldn't worry about. Tell them your doctor advised you against getting frostbite.

True for package car drivers. If you manually enter your truck number the telematics won't show up. I'm not advocating it but if your barcode is messed up and you have to manually enter your employee ID. Well telematics won't show for that truck that day.


my next ride along is in February. i'm gonna pull over in the coldest below zero spot with my 2 blankets ( one is a plug in ) an take my hour.

he he he. ( devil laugh )


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Ok, Idle time didnt its time at stops....I thought we should pull the record of the day my sup ran it with a trainee........He pulled jan I can remember that day. Anyway for some strange reason, I couldnt scan the bar code this am. So we will see tomorow the telematics report. I worked so hard I bet I get a star.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
The Sups are the ones with to much "Idle time" sitting around the office
looiking at Chinese take out menus and generating
stupid reports !!!


Well-Known Member
If you pull off by the side of the road to eat lunch, and idle for heat when its freezing outside...they will bitch about it.

If you break trace by a mile so that you can eat lunch indoors where it is warm...they will bitch about it.

Once you accept the fact that they are going to bitch at you regardless of what you do...your stress level will drop dramatically. All you have to do is pretend to care about what they are bitching about, listen to them with a serious and earnest look on your face, and say..."'I'll work on that." Kind of like they do when you complain to them about dispatch, load quality, problems with your trace, etc.[/QUOTE

Bingo. But you really don't have to pretend to care. You just have be able let go in one ear and out the other without it bothering you.


Well-Known Member
They try this crap in feeders a lot. When I got stuck in a snowstorm, and had to park, no one said anything to me about running my tractor while I waited for a ride. I had nearly 300 minutes of idle time. Even if they would have, it would have fallen on deaf ears. When I first went driving in feeders, they said something about it to me. I asked him if I turned off my tractor while the weather was in single digits, was he going to turn off the heat in the feeder office too? He just laughed and walked off.

If you are in feeders, and care what UPS says about idle time in the winter, you should stand up for yourself, but if you don't, don't put your employee id in the IVIS until after you have hooked up and are ready to leave. For some drivers, that could over an hour. All of that time won't show up until after you put your id in the IVIS. So your idle time won't start until you are leaving.

But I wouldn't worry about. Tell them your doctor advised you against getting frostbite.

True for package car drivers. If you manually enter your truck number the telematics won't show up. I'm not advocating it but if your barcode is messed up and you have to manually enter your employee ID. Well telematics won't show for that truck that day.

As my sup said if you manualy enter thee number and accidentally put a wrong number in. It isn't going to show up either


Well-Known Member
We had a driver that was fired for doing the above, I would not recommend it.[/QUOT

I didn't say do it. I don't care about idle tome, or any so called time allowances they come up with. I have been idling on and off for the last hour. As I told my sup the other you do what you have to do it doesn't bother me.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Heres a solution;

Do what they ask. Pull over by the side of the road and take your break on trace. Before you stop, open both doors to let all the warm air out. Then close the doors, and take your 15 minutes with a cup of steaming hot coffee in the ice cold cab.

When your break is over and your windows are completely fogged up and frozen from the condensation...message in to the center and inform them that your windows are frozen and you cant see, so they will need to either (a) give you permission to sit there and idle ON the clock to run the defroster or (b) drive out and bring you a squeegee and an ice scraper so that you can clear your windows enough to see. Repeat the process for your lunch and other break. After a day, maybe two of dealing with this... they will STFU about your idle time and go bother someone else.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
The barcode on my engine cover has been too faded out to scan for over a year, so I manually enter my car number every morning. They won't replace it and I still show up on telematics every day.


Amatuer Malthusian
The barcode on my engine cover has been too faded out to scan for over a year, so I manually enter my car number every morning. They won't replace it and I still show up on telematics every day.
Those labels can't be made up by just anyone. Gotta have access to a special printer and program and each car has to be entered manually one at a time.Big pain.


i wrote to the manufacturer ( Motorola ) about the flaw that the IVIS recorded idle time at stop lights and slow speeds and that we were being harassed about said flaw. I had a run with a lot of stop and go freeway traffic.

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