Insomnia Club


golden ticket member
I usually turn the TV on to 'fall asleep to'. I didn't know exactly what was on, so I surfed a little and came across a spooky movie I didn't recognize.

I could not close my eyes after that. The next morning, I found out I had been watching "Drag Me To Hell" !!

The major moral of this movie is............Don't ****** with Gypsies !! :sick:


bella amicizia
I am going to have my granddaughters teach me how to do Facebook, my phone. I was smart when I was their age. But, I grew up. Well, that might be a stretch. Hehehehe


Retired 23 years
I don't know if I have insomnia or not. Since retiring I just sleep when I am tired and do stuff when I'm awake. It puts a whole new perspective on life knowing that if you wake up at 2 A.M. it don't matter if you go back to sleep or not because there is no alarm clock counting down the seconds before you have to get up for work. I do some of my best tinkering out in the workshop during the middle of the night---I also have no problem catching a few ZZZZZZZZZZ's in the Lazyboy during the middle of the day. Life is good.


Retired 23 years
Your neighbors must love you. lol
Everyone in my neighborhood (there are only 4 of us) has 5 acres so we can't see each other but I still don't mow grass or run the leaf blower in the middle of the night. Everyone, except one gal is retired, and as far as I know do the same as me (at least the guys do). We are all on a dead-end private road so when the one gal who works drives by about 5:30 we call it the 5 o'clock rush hour.


Retired 23 years
I go outside nude. I wonder what my neighbors think? :rofl:

<I'm not hanging out>

One of my next door neighbors was cutting down so many trees I finally told him we never shut our blinds so if he wanted to see me and the wife walking around the house in our underwear just keep cutting the buffer zone between us. He quit.
Everyone in my neighborhood (there are only 4 of us) has 5 acres so we can't see each other but I still don't mow grass or run the leaf blower in the middle of the night. Everyone, except one gal is retired, and as far as I know do the same as me (at least the guys do). We are all on a dead-end private road so when the one gal who works drives by about 5:30 we call it the 5 o'clock rush hour.

Rural is the best. We have 4 acre parcels here. One :censored2: neighbor but the rest are fine.