iPhone 4S


Well-Known Member
Our center manager told us in our PCM yesterday that we can expect 400 additional stops in our center Friday due to the rollout of the new iPhone. He also said that some centers are anticipating a 18-19% jump in volume on that day. The phones will be signature required. Verizon will have a form available for their customers to download and fill out allowing us to leave the phones (electronic release). He wasn't sure if the other carriers would have a similar form available but did state that we should try to get rid of these on the first attempt.


Well-Known Member
Our center manager told us in our PCM yesterday that we can expect 400 additional stops in our center Friday due to the rollout of the new iPhone. He also said that some centers are anticipating a 18-19% jump in volume on that day. The phones will be signature required. Verizon will have a form available for their customers to download and fill out allowing us to leave the phones (electronic release). He wasn't sure if the other carriers would have a similar form available but did state that we should try to get rid of these on the first attempt.

The word around some of the facilities in my neck of the woods is that supervisors are to check every single Apple/Verizon package, cross it off a list, and make sure they are all in the proper place, absolutely no exceptions. It was left open to the imagination what the repercussions would be if this fails to happen.


All Trash No Trailer
I'm glad to see the volume, means they hopefully wont cut any routes tomorrow.I'll have the stops but i wont be covering the area of three routes


Well-Known Member
Our center manager gave a very threatening PCM regarding "drivers with sticky fingers" which led to more than a few calls down to Atlanta...........lets see if he changes his tune tomorrow