Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Well-Known Member
Typical Liberal talking point's, Top 1% of tax payers pay 50% of Taxes!!!
Prove it. And to those that don't pay on your list, they are below poverty, yeah take some from those guys. I'm ok with this if we put a cap on yearly earnings per individual.


Well-Known Member
Tell ya what, when the next contract negotiations come up lets demand a $10/hr. wage increase for every employee across the board every year of the contract. We could even strike for it until the company gives in, that is if they don't close their doors first. The reason we don't and won't make such an egregious demand is because UPS is a private company and comes to the negotiation table with its own money, but if we demand too much and it exceeds what UPS has UPS will either close its doors or go completely out of business when it has to price itself right out of the customer's ability to pay for its services. This effects me and my financial situation because now I would be out of my most valuable asset, my job.

Public sector unions don't have this problem because the politicians they are negotiating with are coming to the table with someone else's money, ie taxpayer funds, and the unions also know that if they demand more than the politicians have they can simply use the police power of government to confiscate it in order to meet their demands. It all depends on how far the politicians are willing to go to court what some of them may see as a valuable block of voters and that is their own employees.


try responding to what I asked you directly versus indirectly in the opposite direction of the conversation.


I'll accept this as your formal admittance of defeat on this issue. Thanks for playing!


Strength through joy
( — According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, state lawmakers have “routinely” been allowed to cast votes by fax or phone in recent years rather than actually appear in the statehouse. Apparently it is a courtesy extended by the majority. A few Democrats were even able to do it Tuesday. But some Republicans are beginning to rethink that practice.

Also today, the Republicans moved forward with a voter ID bill that Democrats oppose, according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. Republicans believe they can strip the bill of the quorum-requiring financial provisions and get it through while the Democrats are out of town.
As always with these things, it is the little details that highlight the absurdity of the situation. The AP story on the direct deposit vote reported: “Tuesday’s vote was along party lines. The three Republicans on the Committee on Senate Organization voted for it and the two absent Democrats cast their no votes by fax.”
This raises the question: How can they be allowed to do that yet the legislature as a whole can still be said to not have a quorum? Some Republicans are apparently beginning to wonder this themselves.
Regarding the voter ID bill, GOP Sen. Mary Lazich, chairwoman of the committee handling the bill, refused to let missing Democratic Sen. Jon Erpenbach literally phone in his vote. The scene was pretty surreal, as Erpenbach was allowed to listen in by conference call, but that was it.
I won’t extend courtesies for unethical behavior,” Lazich told Erpenbach.
“Do you want the headline to be, ‘Republicans won’t let Democrats vote,’ even though we’ve allowed that many, many times?” Erpenbach said.
Erpenbach’s name was not called as the clerk took the roll, but he repeatedly yelled, “No!” over the speakerphone. The committee’s three Republicans voted for the bill.
The irony of the protest appeared lost on Erpenbach. His absence was deliberately preventing the duly elected majority from voting on other, more pressing, legislation


Well-Known Member
Typical Liberal talking point's, Top 1% of tax payers pay 50% of Taxes!!! 47% don't pay ANY taxes at ALL! You should be upset with the 47% that don't pay!! Corporation's record profit's come from trimmed down staffing AND thanx to Obama Care companies are holding onto cash, for the unknown about health care!(Did u read the Health care Bill????) Yes Tax payer's bailed out the Bank's against the tax payer's wishes! Obscene Salaries of Private companies ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!, that's up to the share holder's to address that. Go after Ceo's and the Koch brother's and u will put them out of business, and unemployment will soar!! Again liberal viewpoint's account 30% of the country most of the country view's themselves as being conservative. Stop drinking the koolaide and realize what is really happening!

Wrong, the top 1% paid 28% of the taxes. But don't forget they also have 90% of all the WEALTH in this country. Where did you get the 47% #?? Even people who don't pay fed taxes directly becasue they don't make enough also pay other taxes like sales taxes etc.
Corporate profits have not beenused to stimulate the economy ;greedy corps have sat on over $2 TRILLION in cash!! Don't blame the new health care law,they already know about whats in the law and most corps approve of it.
"Go after the corps and ceo's and the Koch bros and unemployment will soar"?? Hello, unemployment already is high with all their tax breaks and sudsidies. And yes it is ALL of our business to know what they are making with OUR $$ we are giving them!!
The Koch bros are trying to buy pols to lower THEIR tax burden and lower regulation on the natural gas industry. Yeah thats what we need , LESS regulation on the biggest polluters! LOL


Well-Known Member

Obama care changed nothing to bringing in anybody NEW to health care. If your Kid is 26 years old he better be out of your house and making a living by then!!! So change the whole system for Pre Existing that makes sense Bob Dole and Romney are not Conservatives!! As for France and Germany man are u so far off, they are socialized countries, you think those people striking in France against the Government are upset over the Government wanting to cut entitlement's ...yes in Germany if u need a new couch you just ask the government for a new one( hint don't argue with me on this I have people who have lived and live with me from Austria Germany France and Switzerland).Those countries are very much socialized! And dude you are son wrong that the election in November was NOT about the Democrats, this is the worse as election's go since 1940's since such a big landslide in an election! How can you say it was NOT about Democrats!! And the governor of Wisconsin is backed by the people of Wisconsin some reading for u to en lighting u and dont come back at me with MSNB or NYTIMES or Washington Times or any other liberal media outlet

"Dole and Romney are not conservatives" ?? LOL! Bob Dole was proud he voted against Medicare's creation in 1965 I guess that is not conservative enough for YOU! Romney care in Mass uses the private sector to get all its people insurance, just like Obama plan does (remember the public option was taken out); that is free-market solution, not socialism.
On France and Germany, you are very uninformed. Do you actually know what socialism is? Both Germany and France are capitalistic countries, FACT. Both have forms of government or socialized health care (and they love it), just like we have socialized healthcare for the elderly and our vets. Do some homework and look up Germany's healthcare system; it is one of the best in the world!(Look up T R Reid's analysis of every country's healthcare system)
How could it have a rejection of the Dems ideas when the repubs in congress were at about 25% popular ! At the time of the elections in November, Obama was at about 48% at a time when we had 10 % unemployment. Look what happened to reagan in 1982, he and his party lost seats in congress too with a lousy economy.


Well-Known Member
Again please stick to the talking point's, first if yur in the top 1% of earner's than what are you doing here? millionaire's pay 50% of taxes, 47 don't pay any at all, do u c the math??According to who ? low taxes ? show proof or else it's a lie a liberal attack method, the Koch bros? are they a private company? and where's the proof the GOP will be coming after Teamster's? stop lying!

Again, the top tax rate is about 35%! Would have gone up to 39% in January but the repubs held all legislation hostage so that the rich would continue to pay less . AND THESE %s ARE BEFORE THE TAX LOOPHOLES THEY EXPLOIT!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Teamsters across the country have sent agents from every local to Wisconsin this morning to support the workers of WI. Agents boarded flights this morning and will be walking at the capitol by 1 pm pacific time.

Its like its 1895 all over again in this country. Workers standing together and showing the country that all workers are equal and deserve equal rights.

The republicans would like to return to the days of no minimum wage, no benefits, no job security, no overtime and no pensions. This issue will backfire on the republicans and this gamble on the workers will come back to haunt them in the next series of elections.



Well-Known Member
"The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service."- FDR

In 1937, Franklin Delano Roosevelt acknowledged that public workers could demand fair treatment in a letter to the National Federation of Federal Employees, but insisted that "militant tactics have no place" in the public sector. The man many consider the true father of the union movement in the United States went on to say "a strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of the government. "

"A union's monopoly over bargaining makes it a cartel that prevents employers from hiring workers who would do the same job for less than union wages. Without providing financing for the mandate, the act will force governments to either cut services or raise taxes. It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government."- George Meany, former president of the AFL-CIO in 1955

Frank Zeidler, former mayor of Milwaukee in the 1950s and legend among American socialists, wrote in 1969 that government unions "can mean considerable loss of control over the budget, and hence over tax rates."

Doh :surprised:

Now let’s get those cowards hiding out at Red's house back to work before it's time to impeach them for not doing their jobs.

Oh...if they, the cowardly dems that left their jobs don't come back after two legislative session their auto deposit payroll will be stopped and they will have to come back to the senate floor to pick up their pay. :happy-very:

Not that they deserve it for running out on their responsibilities. LMAO!
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