
Well-Known Member
Amazing to me you could go that long delivering! I am Impressed!

I was Lucky and I know it! I hired on during the Big Bang Expansion of the 70's.

Of my 30 years, I was in Feeder 26 years because I could see I would be busted up as a pkg driver! I put my name in as soon as I could on that Feeder list. Only saw 2 Xmas's jumping in and out of a Cabco with Micro Brakes! SHEESH that sounds really old when you type it out and read it back!!!!!
Hey perspective feeder here. I know package is rough but it’s good exercise for me for now. Did the 26 years affect your back in anyway?


Retired 23 years
some never had to work part time.
I had about 3 and a half months of being part time ---is that enough? I could have been full time sooner but I wasn't married. Only married people worked FT back then----at least at my old center.


Well-Known Member
Hey perspective feeder here. I know package is rough but it’s good exercise for me for now. Did the 26 years affect your back in anyway?

Back? Feeder? Most have to control their weight to keep their back in shape. Just two different jobs for the most part. Many say they didn't know there was such a difference. If longevity is your game? You cant beat it compared to other jobs at UPS!

More importantly is knowing your circadian rhythm! Working swing and nights and or even worse when you start out working all kinds of goofy hours it not only affects YOU, it affects your Wife, Kid's almost all the world around you! You may work Monday night thru Saturday morning? Sunday thru Thursday? Sleeper team gone for day's
With some whiskers and time under your belt it gets better. For ME? It BEATS PKG hands down!

If your married ? Consult long and hard with your spouse before going in.


Man of Great Wisdom
Back? Feeder? Most have to control their weight to keep their back in shape. Just two different jobs for the most part. Many say they didn't know there was such a difference. If longevity is your game? You cant beat it compared to other jobs at UPS!

More importantly is knowing your circadian rhythm! Working swing and nights and or even worse when you start out working all kinds of goofy hours it not only affects YOU, it affects your Wife, Kid's almost all the world around you! You may work Monday night thru Saturday morning? Sunday thru Thursday? Sleeper team gone for day's
With some whiskers and time under your belt it gets better. For ME? It BEATS PKG hands down!

If your married ? Consult long and hard with your spouse before going in.
That last line could be misconstrued.


Well-Known Member
Back? Feeder? Most have to control their weight to keep their back in shape. Just two different jobs for the most part. Many say they didn't know there was such a difference. If longevity is your game? You cant beat it compared to other jobs at UPS!

More importantly is knowing your circadian rhythm! Working swing and nights and or even worse when you start out working all kinds of goofy hours it not only affects YOU, it affects your Wife, Kid's almost all the world around you! You may work Monday night thru Saturday morning? Sunday thru Thursday? Sleeper team gone for day's
With some whiskers and time under your belt it gets better. For ME? It BEATS PKG hands down!

If your married ? Consult long and hard with your spouse before going in.
No spouse anymore! Thank God!

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Or, go flat broke with a crapload of debt!
They going to sue you, and have someone dig you up to appear in court?
Imagine the following if they did:
Judge "a judgement has been made against you, how much can you pay?"
Attorney hired by family to represent you:
"Judge, as you may not have noticed, he is dead." "You will never get anything from him"
Judge "if he doesn't pay, he will be in contempt!" Why does he not speak for himself????"
Attorney: he cannot speak for himself, what part of being dead do you not understand????"
Wonder if any dead people have been sued?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Or, go flat broke with a crapload of debt!
They going to sue you, and have someone dig you up to appear in court?
Imagine the following if they did:
Judge "a judgement has been made against you, how much can you pay?"
Attorney hired by family to represent you:
"Judge, as you may not have noticed, he is dead." "You will never get anything from him"
Judge "if he doesn't pay, he will be in contempt!" Why does he not speak for himself????"
Attorney: he cannot speak for himself, what part of being dead do you not understand????"
Wonder if any dead people have been sued?
That may be me really.
I really am spending it all.
"We bring nothing at birth; we take nothing with us at death." -- Job 1:21