Labor Day


Retired Senior Member
My flags outline my entire yard (CA. postage stamp size). I don't labor much any other day, so why should today be any different.

Tomorrow is our anniversary (42 yrs.) and we'll be deciding where to have dinner over our coffee this afternoon.

Life is good.:happy2:

Congratulations on your 42 years of wedded bliss! Who would be the candidate for Saint Hood in your marriage?


In response to another labor day thread, I composed a poem. I later saw this labor day thread and figured, what the heck I'll stick it here. It has been my observation, that every holday, generally we do the opposite of what the day implies. For example, labor day, generally we are relieved from our labors(yes , I know Dannyboy worked yesterday, but he is an exception)

The only verse that I have a problem with is the one about the fourth of july.
I tried to go in about 4 different directions with that one. Generally, it is a day of fireworks , not a day of reflection of independence and the associated liberties that we have. Also, how can we be free when our national debt(which is money owed , mostly to foreign governments) is astronomical? When we have no manufacturing base?
Yet we celebrate this supposed absolute independence by buying copious amounts of fireworks( which are made in China) . I was even gonna play with the word red as in Red china. I was also going to work the old joke about we celebrate our country by each of us individually blowing up a small piece of it. . Anyway, right towards the end, I managed to reign it back in, but I confess I did lose a bit of the rhyme in the process. Sorry

Anyway, Enjoy:

New Years day
a time for changing our ways
yet the day before,
we give into them even more
and the god Janus makes us Pay

St valentine's day
a time to practice love of the highest order
yet we chose to spend
with resources seemingly without end
on love bordering on disorder

St Patrick's Day
named after the man who drove out the snakes
Yet in honour of him
we give into sin
and end up with the shakes

Day of Easter
the day of the feaster
we thank God for such a spring day
yet we give no thought
as we ought
about the one
who for our sins did pay

Memorial day
it is sad to say
it makes my heart upset
yet it is plain to see
at least to me
it is a day we remember
to forget

Independence Day
the Fourth of july
sadly the independence
is just a lie
bombs burst in the air
with the rockets red glare
yet the rockets that fly
are bought from a country whose finances are so much finer
who in truth own our debts, the country known as China

Labour day
What can I say?
I may sound like a jerk
But never me mind
I dare you to find
a soul hard at work

Hallow's eve
it is my peeve
to have to say
that it is a day
that in deed
is not hallowed
not at all indeed.

Day of Thanksgiving
I say with misgiving
how grateful can one truly be?
when one's stomach is filled
with quantities that make one ill
It can be a misery

Day Christ was born
man freed us from our debts
But we are more forlorn
on that I can bet
for come January
Janus must once more be paid
for gifts that were not necessary
for the loved ones at whose feet they were laid


Well-Known Member
I salute and commend you for a very fine poem, catching the spirit of the real meaning and the actual conversion into everyday's life here in the USA. What a difference.
Life in the USA is so much centered on achieving goals of (financial) independence and security, that other (more spiritual) goals are less pronouncede and perceived.
Moments of deep satisfaction center around which event? That our off-springs have achieved their independence by reaching their educational and professional goals, that older people have obtained a sense of stability and security regarding their personal well-being, that our communities (where we live or intend to live) have come to their senses regarding their spending habits, that personal security is a given factor of our life?
In its own way, UPS is a factor of our life. Us minions are not in control, but we can make a contribution that we have continuity.
In aviation I have learned the following Maxim: aviate, navigate, communicate. Translated into UPS language means what? That our managers (colloquially called manglers) provide us with the direction, where we are heading to (or want to) and how it is communicated.
Comments are appreciated.
the unions had their place,now they are big bosses getting the glory and $$. while the workers pay in, yet when on stike draw what about 55$ a week. what do the bosses get $$$$$$. china reaps the benefits now of unions along with mexico as we are shipping stuff overseas. Yes ups is we are outsourced, labor overseas. and goodness how long can things drag out, I mean really.