Load quality problem


Well-Known Member
Just curious on your centers policy when it comes to misloads or packages loaded on the wrong shelves. For instance if you can not find a package but then find it several hours later when your well off the area are you required to run it. Or if you sheet it as missed (mainly due to Orion constraints). Do you get blamed for not finding the package earlier? Misloads have become a major problem at our center and having packages loaded on wrong shelves are becoming normal. And drivers are being blamed for not discovering these earlier in the day.


Well-Known Member
Had 2 pkgs I couldn't find this morning. Luckily one went to a place that has a daily PU so I delivered it when I picked up in the afternoon. The other I went out of the way to deliver just before doing my pick ups.


Well-Known Member
Seems like now in my center that drivers aren't scanning in their misloads because they don't want to have to go deliver them. Dudes just throw them in the clerk pile when they come in.


Well-Known Member
Always do the right thing. Dont be lazy or sneaky bring it in without anyone knowing.. your not just skreewing the customer but your messing with your fellow worker that has been looking for that package all damn day... i hate that... cover your ass and send in a message.. and if you find it later in the day try and make service or just pick up the phone and communicate with your managers.. dont be a bitch..


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean service it right after you send the message. I usually just tell the center that I'll do it. I'm not going to have the other driver come meet me somewhere so I can give it to him, or vice versa. I get like.. 1-2 misloads a day. I just message when I see it and run them off at the end of my day.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Spin the wheel and see where it lands. Some days it's missed, other days it's not. What they tell me to do, I do.

Man Of Brown

Well-Known Member
If we can't find a package while at the stop we send a message in saying its not found. If you find it later you run it. We send in misload messages. They will message you back what they want you to do. If its early enough someone might come get it from you. Otherwise they normally have you run it, unless its in another town miles away.
Tell your loader to be careful and take his or her time. The 1,000's go on the 1,000 shelf. The 2,000's go on the 2,000 shelf. Then the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. It shouldn't be the drivers fault a at all.


good people drink good beer
It's a minor miracle if my (mis)loader doesn't give me at least one misload. On top of it, she doesn't keep stops together and often puts stuff where it fits not where it belongs. I'll run just about any misload because it costs the company fifty bucks an hour.