Media Bias


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Piers is the one who is flawed!!!!
Piers Morgan: “Both The Bible And Constitution Are Inherently Flawed,” Bible Should Be Amended To Allow Gay Marriage…

Re-read that headline and let it sink in, he wants to amend the Bible to allow “gay rights.” What the friend…?
Via The Blaze:
While CNN’s Piers Morgan is a well known critic of America’s Second Amendment, he has know ventured into a new campaign to reform another document critical in the development of western civilization; the Bible.
During a discussion on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight” on Monday — Christmas Eve — with Saddleback Church Pastor Rick Warren, Morgan argued that there needs to be an “amendment to the Bible” for same-sex marriage, because like the Constitution, the Bible is “inherently flawed.”

“Both the Bible and the Constitution were well intentioned but they are basically, inherently flawed. Hence, the need to amend it,” Morgan told Warren during a conversation where Morgan emphasized the need for America to separate Church and State.

“My point to you about gay rights, for example, it’s time for an amendment to the Bible.”


golden ticket member
This is the very same graphic that you used in another thread to identify those who donated to Hammas. post #1570.

Don't you have a good book that you could read today?

Very observant....there are actually about 10 of them today......I practiced restraint!! Other people just making fun of that ridiculous stunt pulled by a N.Y. newspaper.
They had one for identifying all the people with AIDS too.

Shows how stupid that paper was.


Well-Known Member
Texan, this does not concern you. My reference to her reading a good book is based on her comment that she has 20 books that she doesn't have the time to read. I then offered her an easy solution to solve her time crunch---less time spent here would free up more time to start reading those books.


Well-Known Member
Very observant....there are actually about 10 of them today......I practiced restraint!! Other people just making fun of that ridiculous stunt pulled by a N.Y. newspaper.
They had one for identifying all the people with AIDS too.

Shows how stupid that paper was.

I could use the same graphic to post how many illegal underground poker games are held or how many and where people are arrested for public urination.

Perhaps it is not only the paper.


golden ticket member
Just the fools that work there.
They started the "format" and others
are running with it to show how stupid it is !!


nowhere special
Media bias is a fact of life. I have tried to find an impartial news source and totally failed. Admittedly Fox is conservative but every other news source is left to far left leaning. Its pretty sad when I can't read honest news and decide for myself but most stories are not reported or are slanted far to the left by the liberal media .


Staff member
Media bias is a fact of life. I have tried to find an impartial news source and totally failed. Admittedly Fox is conservative but every other news source is left to far left leaning. Its pretty sad when I can't read honest news and decide for myself but most stories are not reported or are slanted far to the left by the liberal media .
It's a shame that the media has abandoned their "watchdog" [-]status[/-] duty.


golden ticket member
A mostly uneventful week led to uneventful movement in the cable network ranker last week.

Fox News was the top cable news channel, placing sixth in primetime and total day among all ad-supported cable channels. FNC averaged 1.64 million viewers in primetime, and 1.07 million viewers in total day.

MSNBC placed 24th in primetime and 29th in total day, averaging 745,000 and 427,000 viewers, respectively. CNN placed 33rd in both primetime and total day, averaging 458,000 and 342,000 viewers, respectively.

Current TV placed last among all ad-supported cable channels in both primetime and total day (94th and 96th place, respectively), placing below Nielsen’s minimum threshold for accuracy. HLN was 38th in primetime and 40th in total day, averaging 356,000 and 257,000 viewers


Well-Known Member
It's a shame that the media has abandoned their "watchdog" [-]status[/-] duty.


I truly believe this is a major challenge to our Country today.

More so on the Left --For instance --Bush could not get away with pouring water on a terroists face or sending them to play soccer in Gitmo ---Obama just kills them --no trial Military or civIL --and also no gitmo controversy --Press says NOTHING !!!

Obama now claims the right to Kill U.S citizens --no trial ---Media screamed if Patriot Act looked at Library cards under Bush or we listened to foreign phone calls.

Really a shame .:sick:


golden ticket member
Who's your daddy ???

Chris Rock said Mooch & Barack are like America's mommy & daddy. "Watchu talkin' bout Willis ?"

The people elected Barack.......he works for the people......he usually forgets that part.

Chris Rock comes off like the maroon he is!!!


golden ticket member
free thinking is OK as long as you thinkand believe as the teacher does!!!!

Via The Daily Caller:
Back in the day, teachers often scoffed at using encyclopedias as serious academic references. These days, they reserve their scorn for Wikipedia and — at one public university in West Virginia — Fox News.

A syllabus for a political science course at West Liberty University instructs students that they must filter out two potential research sources, reports WTOV, a nearby NBC affiliate.

According to Fox News, ironically enough, the syllabus says (with grammatical errors preserved for posterity):
DO NOT use
1) The Onion — this is not news this is literally a parody

2) Fox News — The tagline “Fox News” makes me cringe. Please do not subject me to this biased news station. I would almost rather you print off an article from the Onion

No other media or research sources — such as, say, MSNBC — appear to be prohibited.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hagel went to 5 colleges, was 'D' student

Sarah Palin went to 6 junior colleges and was also a D student, but you support her as if she were a rhodes scholar.

If Hagel going to 5 colleges is bad, then Palins going to 6 junior colleges makes her an idiot.

Oh wait, being Sarah Palin makes her an idiot, so I guess the number of junior colleges doesnt matter.

