Montana Sex Ed.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
It's Helena, Montana for pete's sake !! Take them to a ranch and let them observe the animals for awhile. It's kindergarten, let them be kids and play!! These educators want to mess up kids early....

Holy crap!!!!!

According to the draft proposal obtained by FOX News Radio, fifth graders should “understand that sexual intercourse includes but is not limited to vaginal, oral, or anal penetration.”

So much for the parents teaching about the "Birds and Bees"...Or you older brother.
Some of this is nothing but the schools wanting to teach morality, not their job. IF parents took their jobs serious, they would/could teach the morals they want instilled in their own children. One thing our fed gov has proven time and time again, you can not legislate morality, but they can damn sure get in the way.