My Rationale


Engorged Member
Someone recently accused me of being on here to exact my revenge on Fred S, or somehow "get even". Although I'd be sorely tempted, if given the opportunity to push Fred and MT3 off a cliff, I wouldn't do it. In other words, I know there isn't any way to square things away with Fred...not going to happen.

That said, I'm really here to get the word out to employees about the way FedEx really runs, a "behind the curtain" look at Oz, and to encourage others to share their insiders view of this circus sideshow. This isn't "my" site, and I don't run the forum. I don't work for the IBT, and I'm not compensated or encouraged by anyone...I was simply the first one here. There is no "leader" either, simply a collection of concerned employees who share ideas and opinions, often widely divergent.

My biggest hope, and perhaps the largest portion of my mission, is to encourage those who are young enough to leave and do something else to do it...NOW. A union isn't really in the picture right now, and may never be, but that shouldn't stop us from trying to get cards signed, and to educate our fellow employees.

So, while it's true I detest Fred and his henchmen, I'm really here to spread the version of it, of course.


Well-Known Member
My biggest hope, and perhaps the largest portion of my mission, is to encourage those who are young enough to leave and do something else to do it...NOW. A union isn't really in the picture right now, and may never be, but that shouldn't stop us from trying to get cards signed, and to educate our fellow employees.

Well unemployment rates are dropping sharply across the country. How easy will it be to find a qualified driver or helper (with minimal if any benefits) to work for FedEx Ground or Home Delivery for only $500 - $900 a week?? It was from 2009-2012 because unemployment was still elevated but now it seems that the jobs are coming back (real career jobs and jobs in the trades where you can make $30 an up non union).. People aren't that stupid, eventually they 'catch on' and quit


Staff member
Well it hasn't been that difficult for the past 15 years so I don't see where the problem is. I don't believe Fedex is a families one income career. I'm not sure there are alot of those around anymore. I don't think the company is concerned with keeping drivers for 30 years.


Well-Known Member
Well unemployment rates are dropping sharply across the country. How easy will it be to find a qualified driver or helper (with minimal if any benefits) to work for FedEx Ground or Home Delivery for only $500 - $900 a week?? It was from 2009-2012 because unemployment was still elevated but now it seems that the jobs are coming back (real career jobs and jobs in the trades where you can make $30 an up non union).. People aren't that stupid, eventually they 'catch on' and quit

agree... look at how my recent experiences w/ a contractor already ~ i feel sorry for some of those drivers that i cover for since doing their routes, they are losing money daily if compared to an hourly pay rate from the temp agency

however, i've known a few runner-gunners in this outfit that can shovel out those parcels at 20-25 stops per on road hour & is making a comparable pay to your quote, even up to UPS pay for some (but without the telematics & micro-management)

some are calling in sick, others are just doing a no-call no-show because this state is "at will" status so now some contractors in local terminals are scrambling to fill in those positions.


Well-Known Member
Well it hasn't been that difficult for the past 15 years so I don't see where the problem is. I don't believe Fedex is a families one income career. I'm not sure there are alot of those around anymore. I don't think the company is concerned with keeping drivers for 30 years.

If you do it right there are plenty. Plumbers, Electricians & Welders make well over $40 an hour non union plus overtime. The contractor I bought the routes from is making over $10,000 a week (net after expenses) from a cafe/lounge that he opened in uptown Manhattan - he just I think barely graduated high school. But support a family on the pay that a driver for ground or home delivery makes? That isn't enough to support a single person with no kids unless you are living completely rent & mortgage payment free


Staff member
Remember Nick. You are in New York. A bit more expensive to live there than say, Davenport Iowa.


Well-Known Member
Remember Nick. You are in New York. A bit more expensive to live there than say, Davenport Iowa.

Yes, it is like a different planet in NYC compared to the rest of the country noticeable once you leave the area but the fedex workers don't look like they are doing that badly even if they are making only $900 a week


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is like a different planet in NYC compared to the rest of the country noticeable once you leave the area but the fedex workers don't look like they are doing that badly even if they are making only $900 a week

​I'd be doing backflips if I consistently grossed $900 in Tennessee. Most weeks I don't gross $700.


Well-Known Member
In a dilapidated warehouse, in a sea of dilapidated warehouses in the Rust Belt, determined men in brown shirts and jackboots stood smartly at attention as the old corporate fighter slowly made his way to the podium. With a steely gaze that belied his years he rasped "Men, it is a glorious day for The Brotherhood! Today we once and for all extinguish the scourge of the working man, Federal Express! Through the network my right hand man, known only as R1a, has established there are right now men with no sex life standing at attention just as you are in every backwater hellhole in this country! They are just waiting for me to press this button, sending a signal to exact our revenge on all the FedEx Memphoids and their minions who actually have a life! Are you with me? I CAN'T HEAR YOU?!! Better! Now go do that voodoo that you do so well!! It's just an expression, you don't need dolls! Who brought their mom's car? Yes, we will have them home in time for the early bird special! What a bunch of........"


Engorged Member
In a dilapidated warehouse, in a sea of dilapidated warehouses in the Rust Belt, determined men in brown shirts and jackboots stood smartly at attention as the old corporate fighter slowly made his way to the podium. With a steely gaze that belied his years he rasped "Men, it is a glorious day for The Brotherhood! Today we once and for all extinguish the scourge of the working man, Federal Express! Through the network my right hand man, known only as R1a, has established there are right now men with no sex life standing at attention just as you are in every backwater hellhole in this country! They are just waiting for me to press this button, sending a signal to exact our revenge on all the FedEx Memphoids and their minions who actually have a life! Are you with me? I CAN'T HEAR YOU?!! Better! Now go do that voodoo that you do so well!! It's just an expression, you don't need dolls! Who brought their mom's car? Yes, we will have them home in time for the early bird special! What a bunch of........"

WTF? I think you've lost it. Time to call People Help.


Well-Known Member
​I'd be doing backflips if I consistently grossed $900 in Tennessee. Most weeks I don't gross $700.

WTF? i thought u guys & gals at team orange are doing better than the green team?!?

sure, i'm avg at least $850 minimum for ~ 60 hours of work, but no micro-management, no OLCCs, no standard/mandated breaks, & no running around in circles for various pickups like Ground or Express... just straightline until i'm done


​I'd be doing backflips if I consistently grossed $900 in Tennessee. Most weeks I don't gross $700.

WTF? i thought u guys & gals at team orange are doing better than the green team?!?

sure, i'm avg at least $850 minimum for ~ 60 hours of work, but no micro-management, no OLCCs, no standard/mandated breaks, & no running around in circles for various pickups like Ground or Express... just straightline until i'm done
$850 for 60 hours is $14 and some change if you include ot that goes down to $12 with no benefits. If I worked 60 hours I would gross more than $1200. So I don't think you are doing better than us. But if it makes you feel better we get told all the time we don't get paid like ups because we don't work as hard as them.


Well-Known Member
that's just my rates (at the minimum salary ~ any additional stops added to my max limit is a plus)

i'm seeing runner-gunners at this division clearing $1k a week because they can shovel out more stops per day... and they probably only work 50 hours a week or less ~ more stops you can handle per day = more pay

it varies from sub-contractor to sub-contractor... some are good while others i don't care for.

it's different than Ground i guess... and it's better as well since most of our loads are drop-run residentials