

Fight the power.
@turdboy don't like it!

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Threads are born, they live a life and then they die a natural death. Digging up 5 year old threads clutters the forum up and creates a lot of duplicate topics. My personal opinion is that it should be a TOS violation to necropost anything over one year old, with reasonable exceptions granted at the discretion of a moderator. I dont own the forum or moderate so if I am out of line for complaining then let me know.

Nothing wrong with old threads. They can still be useful today. Would you prefer to continue and see the same question/topic reposted every week and have to repost the same answers and responses over and over (which is usually the case because people don't search)?


Well-Known Member
The second old threads are taken down a crap storm of "you never said that, oh that's new, and prove you said that" will hit the talk show. People are argumentative by their nature. Beside theirs a lot of good information that can be had through the search function without cluttering up the board with redundant questions.


golden ticket member
If you have something to post and the topic is already a thread (no matter how old) then post it under the proper topic....age be damned!