Obama and Biden


Well-Known Member
Yes they do not lower or raise interest rates but this administration should have take some responsiblity considering they are responsible for the country as a whole. The Federal Reserve Depart, failing to raise interest rates, shows the lack of responsibility of our president that watched us go down this Mortgage crises path. The President should be Impeached, jailed or otherwise, because we the tax-payers were let down and now we will pay again to bail out the savings an loans!

We are robbed once again!

Did we forget the president is under oath: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

WE the people were let down so step down!

And we are be defrauded once again by Printing some more money to bail them out and racking up our deficit bill!

I hope they bail out my mortgage too! Maybe the Plegdge of allegiance should be rewritten,

""I shall forever subjugate myself to the needs and will of the people, and I shall willingly accept the consequence of death if I should ever fail in this, my oath to the People." I believe This oath would be taken more seriously!

God Bless all the honest hard working people of this country! The Bottom line for most uf us if you screw up you are held accountable but for some reason the commander and chief never is!

WE only can vote him out.... we should all have terms too, if you screw up then in order to take any responsibilty wait 4 to eight years and take a vote! Bye then you will be voted out and the rest will be history.....what a country!

Federal reserve chairman and president are two different people. If you want the president to step in every time they think something needs to change, that would be grounds for impeachment. That would infringe on the separation of powers and turn our country into a dictatorship.

The presidents hands are tied on this one. The only thing he could have done is say "interest rates need to be raised." In all the presidents speakings over the last year whose to say he hasn't said this? Many wall street people said a year ago the fed should raise rates at the first of the year.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard the joke about obama biden sounding like osama bin laden? A driver tried to tell it to me last night at work but he messed it all up. If you have heard it but don't want to post it you can just pm it to me.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard the joke about obama biden sounding like osama bin laden? A driver tried to tell it to me last night at work but he messed it all up. If you have heard it but don't want to post it you can just pm it to me.
Sounds like a joke a 3rd grader would tell:happy2:


Well-Known Member
I've not watched the convention because in my case, what's the point. I'm not voting democrat or republican so why waste the time. That said, last night I was watching TV late and on a news show they played a sound clip of Biden's speech and it happened to be the part where Joe was explaining how Obama was right about Afghanistan and if elected, we're going back in to finish the job.

Well student of history and geopolitics that I am (1st grade level LOL!) I remembered back abit to several pieces of historical note. And here they are.

The first is a 1998' interview with President Carter's National Security Advisor Zbiegniew Brezenski who made a startling admission in that in July of 1979', Carter ordered our covert operatives to begin supporting rebel efforts in Afghanistan to bait the Soviets into a war in that region.


The admission was no real surprise but here's another campaign advisor to Obama who speaks with Hegemic tone about "a bunch of stirred up moslems" as though they were some pawn on a geo-political chessboard for him to move and sacrifice at will. A "NEO-CON" democrat if you will?

Next is a piece published by GlobalResearch and oddly the date was Sept. 12, 2001. Yep, the next day after the big event. Very telling IMO and especially so in light of the interview above.


When one looks outside the area of Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran and looks at the bigger picture of central Asia and the Balkans, IMO one gets a sense that our adventures against the Soviet Bear in the late 70's and 80's came back to haunt us.

Finally, from Sept. 15, 2001 and the web publication Counterpunch. The words of Afghan Regiment Commander for the Soviet Afghan Theater forces, Col. Yuri Shamanov who said the following:

"If the Americans go to war," he told a Reuters reporter last week, "I pity these boys and their mothers and sisters and brothers. It will be ten times worse than Vietnam. Vietnam will be a picnic by comparison. Here they will get it in the teeth. Oh. They will get it good. Rockets won't save you: there's nothing out there to shoot at. Blast away years' worth of ammo. The mountains will survive anything. The Afghans will be ready to fight, no worse than they fought against us, and they fought very well against us. What will the US do there? Unless a narrow mission is set to destroy the camps and the most odious figures ­ if they do only that then God bless them. Paratroopers can take the camps. But if you don't send infantry, there is nothing for tanks and planes to do. If you don't actually march through the territory, it will come back to life again. And there will be camps and the same bandits. You can get rid of bin Laden, then another will grow. You have to dig out this whole system by its roots."


Scroll down to the title,
Russian Colonel
Remembers Afghanistan:
"Don't Try It!"

If anyone had illusions that Obama was antiwar then Biden's speech last night should have ended that real quick. These guys have sat in the Congress and avoided their responsibility under the Constitution while letting Bush and the barbarian hordes trample the very pillars of freedom our forefathers fought and died for. All the while getting face time on C-Span and other MSM outlets to blame Bush at every corner for all that is wrong. The real culprit IMO is the Congress who abdicate their duties for the soul purpose of protecting themselves for re-election. Bush may have drawn up the plans but not a thing would go the first step without funding and at every turn, the democrats, Obama and Biden in the thick of it, funed every need to the penny.

The definition of stupid is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result! Keep that in mind when you walk into that voting booth.


golden ticket member
I have watched every minute of the Dem. convention. I don't know why. I guess it's just scoping out the opposition.

Everytime they show Pelosi, I about gag.

Last night Bill C. was really enjoying the long boisterous ovation when he was introduced. I really never knew much about Biden, so it was nice to get some family history about him.

I'm anxious to see all the pageantry tonight at the Barackapolis. I think they said togas are optional.

There is so much written on the blogs about every aspect of this experience.....food & transportation for the priveleged, traffic nightmares, dsiruptions by protesters, etc. It's got to be a heavy, heavy workweek for the police in Denver.

I'm enjoying just watching the process. Obama is certainly causing a stir of emotions unlike anything since JFK. It is an historic event, whether you like it or not.

By the way, being on the West coast, the convention coverage is over at 8PM, so I don't miss any of my prime time shows.


Well-Known Member
Hey D,

You guys keep harping that McCain is nothing more than Bush 3. If that be the case, then how is this http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/022549.html any difference. Hey, what happened to that "CHANGE" guy running on the democrat side? Oh yeah, he spoke the night before.

If the democrats were about change, this guy would be giving the main address tonight!

The democrat party IMO is still like wiping your arse the 2nd time. You still come up with :censored2: on the paper!



golden ticket member
Coming from an area near Cleveland, I've had Dennis Kucinich around all my adult life. I remember him as a city council member when he was fresh out of school. He was mayor of Cleveland for a time.

He reminds me of someone "born to soon". He came off as a kook to most stodgy Dems. If he was born about 20 yrs. later, maybe he would be a bigger force in politics today.

Like so many "born to sooners", we'll probably look back and say, You know what, that guy was right!"


Well-Known Member
Last night Bill C. was really enjoying the long boisterous ovation when he was introduced.

Funny you mentioned this about Bill as I read another observation where the person felt Bill's ovation was bigger than Obama's (no real surprise) visit to the arena stage.


An Empirical setting, how most fitting!

I thought Mt. Olympus was home to gods that are pure myth! :wink2: I guess next he'll be sold as the Oracle of Delphi.

You are right Moreluck, no matter what, this is a truly historic event in American history.

As for mentioning gagging and Bill Clinton, I wouldn't do that again in the same post!



Well-Known Member
Coming from an area near Cleveland, I've had Dennis Kucinich around all my adult life. I remember him as a city council member when he was fresh out of school. He was mayor of Cleveland for a time.

Was Dennis mayor when Cleveland went bankrupt? And wasn't Jerry Springer mayor of Cleveland too at one point? I know he was mayor of some Ohio town. I figure if Cleveland is stupid once, they might go for the repeat!

Hey More, piece of advice. I wouldn't broadcast about being from the Cleveland area if I were you. Folks might question your IQ and have good reason to do so!



Does this really have to be explained? Biden was chosen for his experience. He's rounding out the ticket, complimenting Obama's strength's with his own.

To see so many Union members supporting the conservative agenda is disturbing. This is the sheep supporting the wolf. And do you really think Obama is going to raise your taxes? Only if you are making over 200k, which if you're working at UPS I highly doubt.

You want to talk about a sham? McCain has voted with the Bush administration a ridiculously high percentage of the time. And you think he will bring change? Or do you actually like the direction our country has been moving these last 8 years? Perhaps you like a shrinking middle-class, inflation, etc. Is that what it means to be a "THINKING person"? Because I can't figure how McCain is the better option.

And, finally, let's be honest, in America's political system the choice will ALWAYS be between the lesser of two evils. If you want to vote for a 3rd party candidate and pretend your :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: doesn't stink, well, I'm sure your ego will appreciate it...


golden ticket member
wkmac.... Springer was Cincy.

As far as where we are from.....I had no choice in that matter. I was actually born in Lemont Furnace PA., so Cleveland/ Akron was an upgrade.
Now on the west coast and I never want to have to go east of the Mississippi ever again!!


Does this really have to be explained? Biden was chosen for his experience. He's rounding out the ticket, complimenting Obama's strength's with his own.

Which would conceed the point that Obama is too inexperienced? It also defies Obamas claim that he will bring to change to wash DC.

To see so many Union members supporting the conservative agenda is disturbing. This is the sheep supporting the wolf. And do you really think Obama is going to raise your taxes? Only if you are making over 200k, which if you're working at UPS I highly doubt.

Perhaps its because they would like to keep more of their hard earned money? obama will definitely raise taxes with the support of a democratic congress.

You want to talk about a sham? McCain has voted with the Bush administration a ridiculously high percentage of the time. And you think he will bring change? Or do you actually like the direction our country has been moving these last 8 years? Perhaps you like a shrinking middle-class, inflation, etc. Is that what it means to be a "THINKING person"? Because I can't figure how McCain is the better option.

Another sham would be that Obama sat on his rear in congress for four years yet claims he will change this country if elected president.

And, finally, let's be honest, in America's political system the choice will ALWAYS be between the lesser of two evils. If you want to vote for a 3rd party candidate and pretend your :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: doesn't stink, well, I'm sure your ego will appreciate it...



golden ticket member
I believe the Democrats have suddenly developed a keen sense of morality.
John Edwards has been banned from making a speech at the Democrat
convention for having an affair and lying about it.

In his place Bill Clinton will be speaking.

What am I missing?????



Well-Known Member
Huh? John McCain had an affair too and he is the presumptive Republican candidate.....BTW The short ribs were fantastic a resounding thumbs up from the family


golden ticket member
Watched Obama's speech and kept thinking afterwards, "I would not want to be one of those 75,000 folks trying to get out of there tonight!!" What a mess of people!

The speech was OK. He has got to stop saying McCain voted the same as Bush 90% of the time.......those were unanimous votes and so Obama voted the same way too.

Curoious to see who McCain names tomorrow as his veep choice. I got $5 on Romney.


Well-Known Member
I am not a Republican or Democrat. However, I think this election will go to Obama.

I say that because it is those of us in the middle that decide the election. The 75,000 people in Denver tonight would vote for the Dem nominee if they nominated donald duck. The same can be said for those that will be in the Twin Cities next week at the Rep convention.

So, if it will be decided by the middle then the candidate that can stir the most passion in the casual observer wins. In many ways this comes down to speaking ability. Obama, in my opinion, is a great speaker.

You can say that it is shallow to vote for someone just because they are a good speaker and I will agree, but the many in the middle will do just that. Ask Bill Clinton.

The beauty of the Internet is i don't need to know one thing about politics to weigh in on it.:happy-very:


I am not a Republican or Democrat. However, I think this election will go to Obama.

I say that because it is those of us in the middle that decide the election. The 75,000 people in Denver tonight would vote for the Dem nominee if they nominated donald duck. The same can be said for those that will be in the Twin Cities next week at the Rep convention.

So, if it will be decided by the middle then the candidate that can stir the most passion in the casual observer wins. In many ways this comes down to speaking ability. Obama, in my opinion, is a great speaker.

You can say that it is shallow to vote for someone just because they are a good speaker and I will agree, but the many in the middle will do just that. Ask Bill Clinton.

The beauty of the Internet is i don't need to know one thing about politics to weigh in on it.:happy-very:

Obama has some serious issues to deal with. His lack of experience is clearly a concern thus the selection of biden as his VP candidate.

McCain is dripping with experience but does not have the charisma of an Obama.

If I was McCain I think I would have some fun playing up the inexperience of Obama. Maybe find a kid that looks like a young version of Obama and show him riding a tricycle or studying a primer on how to be president.