Olympics To Discriminate Against Woman. Dude Weightlifter To Compete As Gal!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That's the push, Rod.
There is no distinction. From Scouts to Public Restrooms.
This isn't a women's lib push for equality, it's a you're a bigot push if you say there is a difference in the sexes and make a distinction by even saying boy or girl.
Don't say "mother' it is "birthing people" Haven't heard yet what fathers are going to be called. sperm donating person, I guess.

Common sense has left the room.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
That’s why trannys shouldn’t compete in women’s sports. Do you see any women who become men competing against men? Of course not because they would get destroyed. That says it all. Period

Case in point...just watch the Wilmington matches...

There is a reason why they separate the sexes in sporting events...

1 + 1 = two...


Well-Known Member
I find it funny that people who don't want men acting like women are encouraging women to essentially become men.

In most sports, you can only be an elite female athlete by rejecting your femininity.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Which is why I said it's like winning the minor leagues. Why should we give them any attention?
Essentially your right but they should compete against other women only. Unless it’s the WNBA then it should be disbanded. It loses freaking money! And they wonder why they don’t get paid like the NBA! You suck that’s why!

El Correcto

god is dead
I blame the stupid leftist propaganda we grew up watching.
Michael Jordan would destroy this woman in basically every sport with minimum effort.