Only 5% of next car purchasers expect to buy all electric cars-Road and Track.


Staff member
Because of low pay I spent most of my years with FedEx either walking, riding a bike, or riding a motorscooter. Rode a bus for a year in Seattle. Had a pickup for two years in Texas. Had an '87 Toyota cargo van for two years in AZ. Walked to work in -70° wind chill in Kansas. Two different locations in Texas walked 3 miles each way. When I had a 99% plugged up artery in 2011 I think what saved me was I had a very strong heart(according to every doctor who has ever examined me). And that was likely due to all the walking.
Which is great.

Unlike Ricky, I don’t want to tell people what to do.

If you were good with it, I’m happy for you.


Well-Known Member
If it would make financial sense, they would have built them.
i think the way the economy works is a mix of reasons but sometimes certain actors dominate like car industry, oil industry regardless of it being hte rational thing to do.

i know im america the public tram system was ripped up by either big oil or the car industry


Well-Known Member
Had a Honda 150. I could get 110 miles on 1.7 gallons.
your transportation system sounded rough but environmentally friendly.

when i was buying a car i wanted something cheap, sporty in some aspects, reliable, and i liked how it looked and fuel efficient.


Staff member
your transportation system sounded rough but environmentally friendly.

when i was buying a car i wanted something cheap, sporty in some aspects, reliable, and i liked how it looked and fuel efficient.
I forgot you have a car.

Quit preaching about public transportation you absolute hypocrite.