Part-timer injury question


From the promised LAND
Actually, to be correct, I corrected Menotyou's post, and it was he that brought it into the thread you started on your injury. So yes, you do have it back-wards. I am assuming medicated fog? But thats OK, You took it personally, which was not my intent. Its correct information, just not correct in discussing employee injuries in the real world.



From the promised LAND
Nah, a lady I think. At least for Hoax's sake. But you never know. Hoax wears many hats...... and like Tie, attracts all kinds.



Well-Known Member
Earlier this year (I'm unsure of the exact date), I pulled a bag out of the slide in my truck at UPS and felt a sharp pain shoot down my wrist. It was intense pain, but it only lasted a minute or so. I shook it off and kept working. It did the same thing ever week or so for awhile, until the pain started lasting longer. Long story short, I have developed a knot on my wrist and it is in constant dull pain and occasional sharp pain when touched or moved the wrong way.

I set up an appointment with my doctor. When the nurse saw me she asked me what was going on, I described how it first hurt. She told me if it had anything to do with work, I should make sure I take care of it on that end. The next day, I brought it up with my full-time supervisor. He said I should talk with our sort supervisor. Several days later, I was able to talk with him. He basically said that because I did not report anything when it initially was injured, that it was an alleged injury and they did not have all the information they needed to file a report. He insinuated that was the only kind of injury he could deal with. He told me to go see my doctor, then if my doctor said it was work related then the insurance companies would fight it out.

I just don't want to get stuck in the middle with all this. I can still work, though I have use that wrist gingerly (both at home and work). Any advice as to what I should do moving forward? Thanks for any suggestions!

This is why no matter how minor you think your injury is you always report it as soon as possible so there is documentation if it turns out to become something bigger. They are going to tell you that you didn't do it at work since you didn't report it right after it happen.

Hope everything works out ok.


Bad Moon Risen'
Aint it funny how one person posts a misunderstood point, then it is repeated as gospel later on?

Sleeve, the 18 grand number is what your center is charged for the accident. That is the average of what workers comp charges are at UPS. That number has no bearing on your case, or what is paid. It is a theoretical charge, based on what UPS uses as the average cost per injury. So lets drop that number in our conversations, as it is only an internal UPS number.

Secondly, why should the union, or the insurance provided by the union pay for a workers comp claim. Even if they get the money back, it costs them thousands to process the claims, then litigate with Liberty on getting repaid. You think you have problems getting Liberty to pay, think about how it would be if you were another insurance company that has already forked out the money, trying to get paid back. Yeah, the check was in the mail.....

With the union, they dont have a dog in the race if you are injured. The only reason I would ever get a steward involved would be for documentation reasons only. Period.

Again, once you have "hired" your lawyer, you are not obligated to speak with anyone else on this matter. If they call, all you do is tell them you have hired counsel, and they will say thanks and hang up.

For all those that are reading this post, please understand that while minor injuries happen all the time, they need to be documented. Not called in, but documented. You never know when what you believe it minor ends up being so much more.

The union DOES have a dog in this race! Our health funds should not have to pay out a dime for a work related injury! My BA has gone to bat for many employees who was wrongly denied compensation for an on the job injury.


Pineapple King
Very good advice Danny. Are you sure you're not an attorney now? Because what you have posted from what I've seen in my years here(at UPS)you are spot on! People listen to what he is saying. That is all from me on this subject. My co-worker doesn't want his issue posted so I will respect his wishes and leave it at that.

To the O/P I wish you the best of luck and hope it works out for you in the end.


From the promised LAND
Bottom, You are correct, and I misposted. The union does have a dog in the race, precisely for the reasons you posted. And that is why I posted that the only way they will pay on comp, is if the employee lies to the doctor in the first place. If it is work related, then workers comp should be held responsible. Anything else could be insurance fraud.

Thank you for having my back and correcting my post. Its nice to know that others are willing to help out and make the information on this site the most correct it can be.
