preloader happy to play along with orion changes.. but..


Well-Known Member
Great replies! I think my biggest problem.. why I feel heat from supes now.. is that I load the first area on our belt.. so the "suits/collars" peek into my trucks more than the others and see what doesn't match what they have been told is a good why is my 300 piece post office stop RDR in both RDR and RDL and high 7000 and 8000 etc.
The other and probably biggest problem is that we are about to get a hardass moved into overall preload management.. so my supe is hysterical with worry and of course the buck gets passed downhill.
My other "problem" is that I load a 1400-1500 piece area compared to the 800-900 piece areas (generally).. included in mine are the missorts as I am "1Push" for our pickoff.. I am not complaining about my volume.. but even the good/tolerable supes come by and say, "what's going on? why aren't you finished?" Most likely they are getting heat from some jerk with zero loading experience complaining that I am still on the clock.
Also.. we used to have a helpful belt.. now people just leave and not help out a neighbor when the volume spills over.
Visibility is my biggest problem, I'd say.
It's nice to have a space here to rant.. I'll do what they ask, try to keep my head down.. I am old enough to know how valuable the insurance really is (with wife and barrel racing kid).

Exactly what I do. Load a large bulk stop RDR RDL post office 6000's. Nobody ever says anything tho


Well-Known Member
I think my biggest problem.. why I feel heat from supes now.. is that I load the first area on our belt.. so the "suits/collars" peek into my trucks more than the others and see what doesn't match what they have been told is a good why is my 300 piece post office stop RDR in both RDR and RDL and high 7000 and 8000 etc.

Why not explain it to them like they're five years old? You could also suggest to them that you'll stack out all the PO stuff (aside from the ~20 pieces that fit into the designated rear door area) and spend another 5-10 minutes on the clock at the end of the day center-loading it.


That’s Craptacular
Yep. According to the sups (I know, I know..) I'm the only person currently working at the facility who knows how to load my routes. You basically have to load entirely by what the drivers tell you. And stuff is always moving, going out of business, reopening, etc....

It's a good thing I show up to work every day...otherwise they'd be :censored2:ED!
Until they hire some other monkey to load it. Please don't overestimate your importance. We are wedges....the most primitive tools known to man. The malls were receiving ups packages long before you started working


Until they hire some other monkey to load it. Please don't overestimate your importance. We are wedges....the most primitive tools known to man. The malls were receiving ups packages long before you started working
yeah but they quit. nobody lasts long on the mall. lol.


That’s Craptacular
Do you know why? Why is it that you don't usually see a loader who been there for years loading mall box trucks (we call them vans)?


That’s Craptacular
because it sucks.
Because they are abuse are being used and abused for your...whatever 10 bucks an hour. We work as directed.....if I came in and my center manager said go load the outlet mall vans, I'd have to do it. But they'd rather put some newbie pack mule in there for a few years.....untill
he breaks...and on and on goes the cycle.


Staff member
Hey mixyo,

Nothing personal, but you haven't even been with the company for a year. Just remember that in the general scheme of things (things being UPS), you are just a little less than a cog in the machine. Not even a bearing nor even a grease fitting. Maybe a cotter pin. If you miss a day, or a week, or even forever, UPS as a whole will not notice. Not even hiccup.

Sorry to bruise your self-esteem.
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Nine Lives
Hey mixyo,

Nothing personal, but you haven't even been with the company for a year. Just remember that in the general scheme of things (things being UPS), you are just a little less than a cog in the machine. Not even a bearing nor even a grease fitting. Maybe a cotter pin. If you miss a day, or a week, or even forever, UPS as a whole will not notice. Not even hiccup.

Sorry to bruise your self esteem.
And don't lose any self-esteem ... the CEO Scott Davis could die tomorrow and UPS would not skip a beat. No person at UPS is remotely important.