I have a question about the alleged protected status of regular package car drivers under this new contract.To be classified as "protected", would your full time seniority date need to be before Aug 1, 2018 or is it just before ratification?
I'll protect you .I have a question about the alleged protected status of regular package car drivers under this new contract.
To be classified as "protected", would your full time seniority date need to be before Aug 1, 2018 or is it just before ratification?
Thank you for continuing to....put your neck on the line. And for your....modesty. Lol.If you don't.... It's up to me ?
I got you BUTTIf you don't.... It's up to me ?
Thank you for continuing to....put your neck on the line. And for your....modesty. Lol.
I got your BUTT
Big Union Tough Talker. Lol.I think what @Indecisi0n was saying....
He likes your butt ?
Maybe I'm reading it wrong.
I'm not "hip" to all the current lingo.
The drivers are not "protected" the "work" is, or supposed to be, we'll see, I have my doubts.
The way the contract proposal was worded makes many of us believe that this number will only be the number of routes in Monday through Friday. Because many places already had Saturday delivery in place, Mondays ran 1/2 the number of routes of Thursdays and Fridays. Therefore many of us believe that the number of "protected" driver positions will be that number of routes run on Monday of that particular week of Aug 1, 2018.
And before BUG comes in here and says, "thats not true, you are not a Union official, therefore you don't know more than me:" This is exactly what they did with the number of 8 hour requests. The number granted per week went done when drivers were shifted to T-S because Monday routes were decreased. The union said, "ok, that seems fair," because the union doesn't give a as long as they keep getting the dues, insurance monies, and the pension monies!
I politely disagree. The contract says RPCDs working M-friend not routes in M-friend. Here we have 80 RPCDs scheduled to work M-friend but only 65 routes.
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I understand your skepticism I'm just saying I don't believe it will be based off routes in because that's not what the language says.
Seems like way too many moving parts to me???I politely disagree. The contract says RPCDs working M-friend not routes in M-friend. Here we have 80 RPCDs scheduled to work M-friend but only 65 routes.
View attachment 228148
I understand your skepticism I'm just saying I don't believe it will be based off routes in because that's not what the language says.
It makes puke rise up up in the back of my throat thinking that my Local Officials will be a variable in this eventual equation.
That is laughable. You can’t be serious.Kind of like ours who took a vacay the last 3 weeks of December while the management went to town with pending terms for as petty as calling in on a Saturday for only the second time in 2018?
That is laughable. You can’t be serious.